
《Unit 1 Hello!》教学设计(精简2篇)



《Unit 1 Hello!》教学设计(精选2篇)

《Unit 1 Hello!》教学设计 第1篇

  本单元是小学生学习英语的起始单元。小学生对学习英语大多怀有好奇、兴奋、期待的心情。英语学习的起始阶段,教师应在帮助学习进行知识积累的同时,特别重视激发和保护学生学习英语的热情,培养学习运用所学英语进行交际的意识和勇气。本着这一宗旨,本单元安排了“自我介绍 ” 和“询问对方姓名”的功能项目,并在词汇教学中,选择了较易激起小学生学习兴趣的动物类单词。这样安排有助于消除学生学习新语言的焦虑心理。进而激发学生参与教学的热情和信心。


  1 .能听懂、会说以下日常交际用语,并能运用所学交际用语进行自我介绍及询问对方姓名。

  Hello/Hi ,I'm …

  What's your name?

  要求读音正确,语调自然。特别要注意 I'm 和 name 的正确读音。

  2 .培养学生运用所学英语进行交际的意识和勇气。

  3 .认识五个人物: David ,Liu Tao ,Yang Ling ,Mike ,Nancy .

  4. 能听懂、会说以下八个动物类单词:

  a dog, a cat , a bird , a tiger ,a monkey , a zebra , a panda ,an elephant 。 要求读音正确。

  5 .会唱歌曲 Hello!

  6. 理解冠词 a /an 之间的区别。


  见教学要求 1 、 2 、 4 。


  见教学要求: 1 、 4 、 6 。


  录音机(带)、 动物卡片、人物头饰。

  课时安排: 共四课时。

  第一课时: A Learn to say.

  第二课时: B Look and learn .

  第三课时: C Look and say .

  第四课时: D Fun house .

  Unit 1 Hello .

  The first period: A Learn to say .


  1. Vocabulary :David ,Liu Tao ,YangLing ,Mike ,Nancy .

  2. Pattern : Hi /Hello ,I'm …

  What's your name ? Good morning .


  1. The Ss can understand and say the communion parlance : Hello /Hi ,I'm .. What's your name?

  Good morning .

  2. To know five persons : David ,Liu Tao, YangLing ,Mike ,Nancy .

  3. To encourage the Ss to talk in English .


  Cassette ,recorder ,masks (David ,Liu Tao ,YangLing ,Mike ,Nancy )


  Step 1: Warm-up

  1. Introduce : Allow me to introduce myself .My name is …,You can call me “Mr /Miss .”This semester I teach you English .I hope we could get along with each other .First ,let's say “Hello !”

  2. Greetings: Hello! Hi ! Good morning/Good afternoon .

  Step2 Presentation and practice .

  1. Learn to say :Hi /Hello ,I'm …

  a. T: If you want to introduce yourself to others ,you should say : Hi ,I'm …/Hello ,I'm…

  b. Read after the T.

  Hi ,I'm… /Hello ,I'm…

  c. Practice :

  T& S S&S Group work .

  Work in pairs .

  d. Check .

  2. Learn to say:What's your name?

  a. The teacher wears the mask (David ): Hello,I'm David ,What's your name?

  The student answers :Hello ,I'm…

  b. Read after the T: What's your name?

  Pronounce : n a me [ei]

  c. Ask and answer : What's your name?


  d. Check .

  Step 3 Break : Listen to the song “Hello!”

  Step4 Consolidation:

  1. The T shows the masks (David ,Liu Tao, YangLing ,Mike ,Nancy ) : Please introduce yourself to them and ask“What's your name?”

  e.g Hi ,I'm … ,What's your name?

  Hello, I'm …

  2.Play a game: What's your name?

  The Ss are divided for several groups .In each group ,the Ss ask and answer one by one .

  e.g Sa: Hi ,I'm … What's your name?

  Sb: Hi ,I'm … (Sa&Sb clap their hands )

  Sb :Hi, I'm … What's your name?

  Sc: Hi ,I'm …

  (Sb&Sc clap their hands )

  3. Listen to the tape and repeat .

  Step5 Relax :Listen to the song “Hello!”;Try to sing together ( 老师做简单律动,学生跟做,试唱 )

  Step 6 Homework Listen to the tape and read aloud .

  Say “Goodbye .”

  POSTSCRIPT: Phonetic symbol

  The second period :B Look and learn .


  Vocabulary : a dog ,a cat ,a bird ,a tiger ,a monkey , a zebra ,a panda ,an elephant .


  1. To understand and say the words :a dog ,a cat ,a bird ,a tiger ,a monkey ,a zebra ,a panda ,an elephant .

  2. To understand what's the difference between “a .”and “ an .”

  3. To encourage the Ss to learn English .


  Step 1 Warm-up .

  1. Greetings:

  Hello ,everyone!

  Hello,I'm …What's your name?

  2. Introduce .

  Please introduce yourself to others (Prtactice in groups ).

  3. Check .

  Step2 Presentation and practice .

  1. Learn to say the new word: a dog .

  a.Show the card (dog)

  T: Hi ,boys and girls ,I'm Dog .(Please say “Hello”to Dog)

  Ss: Hello,Dog.

  b. Practice and check .

  c. Imitate “Dog” (Use body language )

  2. Look at the picture and say “Hello ,Dog/Cat /..”

  3. 听录音做动作。师: Monkey . 生做猴子爬山状。师: Tiger. 生模仿老虎吼声,并展示自己强壮的双臂。

  4. 小组活动。


  5 .对比练习:仔细看题板,找出每组词中表示“一”的单词。 a cat a panda an elephant . 提醒学生注意“ a ”和“ an ”的用法不同。

  Step3 Consolidation .

  1. Listen to the tape and repeat .

  2. Play a game: Go hunting (Teacher's Book Page5)

  3. Workbook : B Listen and draw .

  Step4 Homework: Listen to the tape and repeat 3 .


  Unit 1 Hello

  图 1 a dog 图 5 a monkey

  图 2 a cat 图 6 a zebra

  图 3 a bird 图 7 a panda

  图 4 a tiger 图 8 an elephant .

  The third period : C Look and say


  1.C Look and say : Hi ,…Hello … I'm What's your name?

  2.Workbook . A Listen and judge .


  1. The Ss can inquire about someone's name and introduce themselves.

  2. The Ss can talk in English .They like to speak in English .

  3. The Ss can sing a song “Hello!”


  Recorder ,cassette ,teaching pictures ,masks .


  Step1 Warm up

  1. Greetings .

  2. Free talk .

  3. Sing“Good morning to you .”

  Step2 Prsentation .

  1. Show the masks (animals ),Please say “Hello .”to dog /cat /…

  2. Ss practice by using “Hi ,…Hello ,…I'm … What's your name … Woof!”

  3. Show the teaching pictures (C Look and say )

  Look at the pictures .

  Q: 1)How many people are there in the picture ?(Five)

  2)Who are they ? (David ,YangLing, Nancy ,Liu Tao ,Bobby )

  3) What are they talking about ?

  4. Discuss .

  5. Practice (By using masks )

  David : Hello ,I'm David ,What's your name ?

  YangLing : Hello ,I'm Yang Ling, What's your name ?

  Nancy: Hello ,I'm Nancy ,What's your name?


  Step3 Learn to sing “Hello!”

  1. Listen to the song .

  2. Read after the T.

  3. Learn to sing (Sing and dance )

  Step4 Do the workbook .

  Page 1 Unit 1 Hello . A Listen and judge .

  Listen to the tape and look at the pictures.,then mark ,If it's true ,please draw a smiling face.If it's false, please draw a crying face .


  1. J 2. L 3. J 4 J

  Step5 Consolidation .

  1. Listen to the tape .(PartA PartB )

  2. Read after the tape .

  3. Sing a song “Hello!”

  Step 6 ENDING .


  Unit 1 Hello

  Hello ,I'm …What's your name ?

  Hi ,I'm …

  The fourth Period : D Fun house .


  1. Listen and circle .

  2. Act and guess .


  1. Go on learning the new words and the new sentences .

  2. To encourage the Ss to learn English and use it .


  Step 1 Warm up .

  1.Sing two songs : 《 Good morning to you ! 》

  《 Hello! 》

  2. Greetings .

  3.Do what I do .

  Singing .crying , drinking ,watching TV, walking ,writing …( 学生跟着教师模拟各种动作,把学生带到英语氛围中。 )

  4.Free talk .

  Step2 Presentation .

  1.Show the cards (animals ).

  Please say “Hello”to them.

  2. Read the words .

  3.Listen and circle .

  e.g When you heard “a panda .” please circle panda ,but not “Bobby.”

  4.Act and guess .

  The students are back-to –back. One student imitates one animal ,the other guesses “An elephant?” or “A monkey ?” The first student answers “Yes.”or “No .”

  By using animal cards .

  5. Do the workbook : C Listen ,find and circle .


  1. a panda 2. a tiger . 3. a monkey .

  Step3 Good bye .


  本单元是小学生英语的起始单元,为调动学生的学习兴趣,教师设计了许多活动,使学生感到学英语是件十分高兴的事,而不是感到困难,以致成为负担。这些游戏有:传话、传递图片、开火车回答、猜、身体反应、打猪、歌唱等。教学反馈效果不错,学生十分喜欢上英语课,学习积极性很高,虽然有部分同学仍羞于开口,害怕发错音,说错话,但我相信,经常地鼓励、刺激、调动,他们说的欲望会逐步增强,现在最重要的是给他们信心,让他们觉得学英语不是很难的事,他们会做得很好,因为老师经常说:“ You're good”. 十分欣赏他。


《Unit 1 Hello!》教学设计 第2篇





  1 .能听懂、会说以下日常交际用语,并能运用所学交际用语进行自我介绍及询问对方姓名。

  Hello/Hi ,I'm …

  What's your name?

  要求读音正确,语调自然。特别要注意 I'm 和 name 的正确读音。

  2 .培养学生运用所学英语进行交际的意识和勇气。

  3 .认识五个人物: David ,Liu Tao ,Yang Ling ,Mike ,Nancy .

  4. 能听懂、会说以下八个动物类单词:

  a dog, a cat , a bird , a tiger ,a monkey , a zebra , a panda

  ,an elephant 。 要求读音正确。

  5 .会唱歌曲 Hello!

  6. 理解冠词 a /an 之间的区别。


  见教学要求 1 、 2 、 4 。


  见教学要求: 1 、 4 、 6 。


  录音机(带)、 动物卡片、人物头饰。

  课时安排: 共四课时。

  第一课时: A Learn to say.

  第二课时: B Look and learn .

  第三课时: C Look and say .

  第四课时: D Fun house .

  Unit 1 Hello .

  The first period: A Learn to say .


  1. Vocabulary :David ,Liu Tao ,YangLing ,Mike ,Nancy .

  2. Pattern : Hi /Hello ,I'm …

  What's your name ? Good morning .


  1. The Ss can understand and say the communion parlance :

  Hello /Hi ,I'm .. What's your name?

  Good morning .

  2. To know five persons : David ,Liu Tao, YangLing ,Mike

  ,Nancy .

  3. To encourage the Ss to talk in English .


  Cassette ,recorder ,masks (David ,Liu Tao ,YangLing ,Mike

  ,Nancy )


  Step 1: Warm-up

  1. Introduce : Allow me to introduce myself .My name is …,You

  can call me “Mr /Miss .”This semester I teach you English .I

  hope we could get along with each other .First ,let's say

  “Hello !”

  2. Greetings: Hello! Hi ! Good morning/Good afternoon .

  Step2 Presentation and practice .

  1. Learn to say :Hi /Hello ,I'm …

  a. T: If you want to introduce yourself to others ,you should

  say : Hi ,I'm …/Hello ,I'm…

  b. Read after the T.

  Hi ,I'm… /Hello ,I'm…

  c. Practice :

  T& S S&S Group work .

  Work in pairs .

  d. Check .

  2. Learn to say:What's your name?

  a. The teacher wears the mask (David ): Hello,I'm David

  ,What's your name?

  The student answers :Hello ,I'm…

  b. Read after the T: What's your name?

  Pronounce : n a me [ei]

  c. Ask and answer : What's your name?


  d. Check .

  Step 3 Break : Listen to the song “Hello!”

  Step4 Consolidation:

  1. The T shows the masks (David ,Liu Tao, YangLing ,Mike

  ,Nancy ) : Please introduce yourself to them and ask“What's

  your name?”

  e.g Hi ,I'm … ,What's your name?

  Hello, I'm …

  2.Play a game: What's your name?

  The Ss are divided for several groups .In each group ,the Ss

  ask and answer one by one .

  e.g Sa: Hi ,I'm … What's your name?

  Sb: Hi ,I'm … (Sa&Sb clap their hands )

  Sb :Hi, I'm … What's your name?

  Sc: Hi ,I'm …

  (Sb&Sc clap their hands )

  3. Listen to the tape and repeat .

  Step5 Relax :Listen to the song “Hello!”;Try to sing together

  ( 老师做简单律动,学生跟做,试唱 )

  Step 6 Homework Listen to the tape and read aloud .

  Say “Goodbye .”

  POSTSCRIPT: Phonetic symbol

  The second period :B Look and learn .


  Vocabulary : a dog ,a cat ,a bird ,a tiger ,a monkey , a zebra

  ,a panda ,an elephant .


  1. To understand and say the words :a dog ,a cat ,a bird ,a

  tiger ,a monkey ,a zebra ,a panda ,an elephant .

  2. To understand what's the difference between “a .”and “ an


  3. To encourage the Ss to learn English .


  Step 1 Warm-up .

  1. Greetings:

  Hello ,everyone!

  Hello,I'm …What's your name?

  2. Introduce .

  Please introduce yourself to others (Prtactice in groups ).

  3. Check .

  Step2 Presentation and practice .

  1. Learn to say the new word: a dog .

  a.Show the card (dog)

  T: Hi ,boys and girls ,I'm Dog .(Please say “Hello”to Dog)

  Ss: Hello,Dog.

  b. Practice and check .

  c. Imitate “Dog” (Use body language )

  2. Look at the picture and say “Hello ,Dog/Cat /..”

  3. 听录音做动作。师: Monkey . 生做猴子爬山状。师: Tiger. 生模仿老虎吼声,并展示自己强壮的双臂。

  4. 小组活动。


  5 .对比练习:仔细看题板,找出每组词中表示“一”的单词。 a cat a panda an elephant .

  提醒学生注意“ a ”和“ an ”的用法不同。

  Step3 Consolidation .

  1. Listen to the tape and repeat .

  2. Play a game: Go hunting (Teacher's Book Page5)

  3. Workbook : B Listen and draw .

  Step4 Homework: Listen to the tape and repeat 3 .


  Unit 1 Hello

  图 1 a dog 图 5 a monkey

  图 2 a cat 图 6 a zebra

  图 3 a bird 图 7 a panda

  图 4 a tiger 图 8 an elephant .

  The third period : C Look and say


  1.C Look and say : Hi ,…Hello … I'm What's your name?

  2.Workbook . A Listen and judge .


  1. The Ss can inquire about someone's name and introduce


  2. The Ss can talk in English .They like to speak in English .

  3. The Ss can sing a song “Hello!”


  Recorder ,cassette ,teaching pictures ,masks .


  Step1 Warm up

  1. Greetings .

  2. Free talk .

  3. Sing“Good morning to you .”

  Step2 Prsentation .

  1. Show the masks (animals ),Please say “Hello .”to dog /cat


  2. Ss practice by using “Hi ,…Hello ,…I'm … What's your name …


  3. Show the teaching pictures (C Look and say )

  Look at the pictures .

  Q: 1)How many people are there in the picture ?(Five)

  2)Who are they ? (David ,YangLing, Nancy ,Liu Tao ,Bobby )

  3) What are they talking about ?

  4. Discuss .

  5. Practice (By using masks )

  David : Hello ,I'm David ,What's your name ?

  YangLing : Hello ,I'm Yang Ling, What's your name ?

  Nancy: Hello ,I'm Nancy ,What's your name?


  Step3 Learn to sing “Hello!”

  1. Listen to the song .

  2. Read after the T.

  3. Learn to sing (Sing and dance )

  Step4 Do the workbook .

  Page 1 Unit 1 Hello . A Listen and judge .

  Listen to the tape and look at the pictures.,then mark ,If

  it's true ,please draw a smiling face.If it's false, please

  draw a crying face .


  1. J 2. L 3. J 4 J

  Step5 Consolidation .

  1. Listen to the tape .(PartA PartB )

  2. Read after the tape .

  3. Sing a song “Hello!”

  Step 6 ENDING .


  Unit 1 Hello

  Hello ,I'm …What's your name ?

  Hi ,I'm …

  The fourth Period : D Fun house .


  1. Listen and circle .

  2. Act and guess .


  1. Go on learning the new words and the new sentences .

  2. To encourage the Ss to learn English and use it .


  Step 1 Warm up .

  1.Sing two songs : 《 Good morning to you ! 》

  《 Hello! 》

  2. Greetings .

  3.Do what I do .

  Singing .crying , drinking ,watching TV, walking ,writing …(

  学生跟着教师模拟各种动作,把学生带到英语氛围中。 )

  4.Free talk .

  Step2 Presentation .

  1.Show the cards (animals ).

  Please say “Hello”to them.

  2. Read the words .

  3.Listen and circle .

  e.g When you heard “a panda .” please circle panda ,but not


  4.Act and guess .

  The students are back-to –back. One student imitates one

  animal ,the other guesses “An elephant?” or “A monkey ?” The

  first student answers “Yes.”or “No .”

  By using animal cards .

  5. Do the workbook : C Listen ,find and circle .


  1. a panda 2. a tiger . 3. a monkey .

  Step3 Good bye .



  You're good”. 十分欣赏他。



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