外研版必修4Module2学案 第1篇
module6 films and tv programmes
readingi. fast reading.1. read the passage quickly and quietly. then finish the following exercise. 2. according to the detail information, try retelling the passage. crouching dragon, hidden tigerdirectorang leetheme martial arts film which 1.______ a type of chinese story called wuxia characters li mubai, played by chow yun-fat, who is good at with a sword as he is with a 2._______yu xiulian, played by michelle yeoh, who is brave, good and strong. yu jiaolong, played by zhang ziyi, a young woman who is not as 3._________ as she seems.plot the story 4. _______ in the early 1800s in china.li mubai and yu xiulian are 5._______ with each other, but mubai feels he cannot marry xiulian because he is a good friend of her 6._______when someone steals xiulian’s sword , they try to get it back.actionthe action takes place on peking 7______ and in places as far as the desert of western china.characters 8.______ through the air every now and then , which makes the audience shout in surprise .fight scenesfight scenes between jianglong and xiulian are some of the most 9_______movements in modern cinema.romantic scenesli mubai’s romantic scenes with yu xiulian are very 10.________ , as their eyes show all the love that they must not express words .ii. intensive reading(知识积累)a. read the passage and try to find out these phrases.1)出现,出版_______________ 2) 爱上(表动作)____________3) 爱上(表状态)_____________4)扮演角色__________5)令某人吃惊的是___________6)吃惊地 ___________7)关心,在乎______________8) 有时,偶尔______________9) 在…岁时 ____________10)很多______________11)属于______________12) 受欢迎_____________b. read the passage again and translate these sentences into chinese. then work in groups to discuss the language points of these sentences1.now, to everyone’s surprise, ang lee, director of a number of excellent films, has made a martial arts film called crouching ttiger, hidden dragon.(1)to one’s surprise____________________________________________________(2) director前为什么没有冠词_______________________________________(3) 区别a number of /the number of__________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.the film belongs to a type of chinese story called wuxia.(1)总结belong to的用法________________________________________________________________ (2) called wuxia是_______短语,作_________成分。3….both masters of the martial arts, are in love with each other.(1)be in love_______________________________________________________(2)fall in love_______________________________________________________4.the action takes place on peking rooftops, and in places as far away as the deserts of western china.(1)区别 take place 和happen_________________________________________________________________5.as in the old wuxia stories, characters leap through the air every now and then, with beautiful, graceful monements, while audiences shout in surprise.(1)as____________________________________________________________(2) in surprise________________________________________________6.unusually, it is the female characters that interest us most.这是_________句型,其结构是______________________________________eg.______________________________________________________________7.beautiful zhang ziyi plays the part of yu jiaolong, a young woman who is not as good as she seems,(1)play a part of___________________________________________________(2)who引导的是一个____________ 从句。eg._____________________________________________________________iv. translate the following sentences by using the language points we have learnt today.1.使我惊讶的是,她居然爱看卡通片。_________________________________________________________________2.我父母偶尔回来看我。_________________________________________________________________3.这本杂志每月出版一次。_________________________________________________________________4.他不讲究衣着。_________________________________________________________________5.他在这部电影中扮演了一个很重要的角色。________________________________________________________________
vocabulary and listening
listening and vocabulary: page 55
tape script
interviewer: do you have a television in your home?
boy: sure! we’ve got two, one in the sitting room and a small one in the kitchen. we always watch 1 in the morning in the kitchen as we eat our breakfast.
interviewer: really! how often do you watch it?
boy: watch the box? i watch it every night for about two hours. and sometimes, when my parents are out, i watch it non-stop all evening, i’m afraid to say. i love it, it’s the way i relax. my mum says i watch too much, but i disagree. i think you can learn a lot from television. there was a programme about 2 last weekend that was really interesting.
interviewer: do you watch a lot of films on television?
boy: i watch films all the time at the weekend. it’s one of the most 3 things you can do when you’re tired or bored.
interviewer: i see! how often do you change 4 in an evening? boy: quite a lot. if we’re all watching, we often argue about which programme we want to watch. my parents like serious programmes like the news, but i prefer 5 programmes. interviewer: do you enjoy advertisements? boy: yes, i do, i think they can be very interesting. i saw an excellent one yesterday. when i leave school, i want to work in 6 .
interviewer: good for you! what’s your favourite tv programme?
boy: i love watching neighbours. everyone in it acts so 7 . i have to find out what’s happening to the 8 . they seem so real!
workbook: page 101
tape script
speaker 1it was 1 . one of the best films i’ve ever seen and certainly the best action movie i’ve ever seen this year. i love watching 2 films and hero was 3 good. it was even better than crouching tiger, hidden dragon. i love the kung fu combats. and maggie cheung is my favourite 4 . she is so beautiful!
speaker 2
the thing is, it’s very expensive to go to the cinema. that’s why i don’t go very often. about twice a month but it depends on what’s on. i usually choose big 5 which are better on the big cinema screen than on tv. i often watch films at home on tv but they’re often quite old.
speaker 3
not yet. i missed hero when it was on at the 6 so i’m waiting for it to come out on dvd. everyone says that it was a brilliant film so i intend to buy the dvd. then i can watch it at home.
speaker 4
the actors. i thought they were all 7 . jet li is a brilliant swordsman. and donnei yen who played sky is one of the best martial arts actors i’ve ever seen. he’s going to be a big star in the future. he’s so good. and he’s good-looking!
speaker 5
because i don’t like martial arts movies and i hate 8 . there were both in hero so i really didn’t enjoy it very much. i prefer 9 like titanic or 10 like the lord of the rings. i also like 11 .
speaker 6
12 ! i’d like to see it again at the cinema because some of the scenes are so beautiful that it’s better on a big screen. however, i’d also watch it again on the box at hone because the 13 is so 14 i’m sure i’ve missed a lot of things.
外研版必修4Module2学案 第2篇
module 1 life in the future
一.fill in the blanks and try to translate them.
1.no one knows for sure, and _________________ is a risky business.
2.in the future, _____ for the environment will become very important ____ earth’s natural resources __________.
3.we will also have to _____ more ____ alternative energy, ______ solar and wind power.
4.all this seems certain, but there are __________ things about city life in the future _____ are not certain.
5.______________what young people think about the future of urban life, a teacher at a university in texas in the united states asked his students _________ how they would ______ a city of 50,000 people in the year 2025.
6._____________ garbage problems, the city will ______ huge spaceships ______ waste materials and send them towards the sun, ___________ landfill and environmental problems.
7.police will arrest criminals _____________nets instead of guns.
8.no smoking will be allowed _________ a future city’s limits.
9.everyone will be given a telephone number _______ that will never change _________________ they live.
10.all forms of recreation, such as cinemas, bowling, softball, concerts and others, will be provided _____________ by the city.
11.distance surgery will become common as doctors ___________ operations from thousands of miles away, with each city _________ its own telesurgery outpatient clinic.
12.senior citizens and people with disabilities will be able to go anywhere in the world __________ high-tech cameras ____________ their head.
13.__________ in space by ordinary citizens will be common.
1). 未来的生活怎样是很难预测的。
2). 但是, 我们可以对未来的发展做出一些预测。
3). 网上购物将变得越来越流行. 对那些去商店的人来说,购物已不再是一种需要。它已经成为一种娱乐方式。
4). 未来人们将能拥有更长久更健康的寿命, 而且在老年也能很活跃.
5). 未来的------将与今天的----大有不同。
6). 人们将用----来代替----
7). 事情是肯定会发生变化的。我们不能确定我们的梦想是否会实现, 但是,至少我们可以满怀希望我们改善世界的努力会成功的。
8). 并不是所有预测都会实现。
3.useful expressions
it is hard to predict------- making predictions is ------
i think / i hope that ---- there will be ----
people at that time will / won’t have to ---- i’m not really sure about ----
maybe i’ll probably-----
what will--- in the future be like/ look like?
people will use more---instead of ----
all shopping will be done online at home.
people can do ---- without leaving their homes.
there is no doubt that (毫无疑问)----
with the development ---, ---will become possible.
people in the future will surely enjoy a ----life.
请根据以上提示, 以life in the future 为题,写一篇100 字左右的文章,可从以下几方面选写两三点
1.未来的房屋会怎样? 2.未来的交通方式会怎样?
3.未来的购物方式会发生什么变化? 4.未来的教育会怎样?
5.未来的城市将是怎样? 6.未来的气候会如何?
参考词汇:交通(transportation)气候(climate)远程教育(distance education)
_____________________________________________________(未来的生活怎样是很难预测的), but _____________________________________________(我们可以对未来的发展做出一些预测。___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
it is certain that things will change. we can’t be sure ________________________(我们的梦想是否会实现),but we can at least be hopeful that___________________________________________(我们改善世界的努力会成功的)。if we learn to accept change and appreciate what is new and different, we will be well-prepared for whatever the future may have in sore.
module 1 listening
tapescript on page 5
i: good afternoon everybody and on the programme this afternoon is an _____ on american domestic architecture, mr simon oppenheim who’s going to talk to us about the house of the future.
i: so where shall we be living in twenty years’ time?
g: twenty years isn’t a long time. we won’t be living underground or in space. we’ll be living in houses and flats just as we do today.
i: what will the houses look like?
g: i think they’ll look much the same as they do today., at least from the outside. but they will be different inside.
i: in what way?
g: __________, they’ll be more flexible. that means we’ll be able to move the walls to create bigger or smaller rooms when we want to. so the dining room and living room _______________ would disappear.
i: and the kitchen?
g: the kitchen will become the most important room in the house! we’ll still be cooking, and we’ll probably be using the kitchen more as a family room. and bathrooms will be bigger.
i: so we’ll be spending more time in the bath.
g: just as other people have done in the past, like in the days of the ancient romans, when the bath had an important social function.
i: what about furniture?
g: well, a lot of furniture will be the same---- we’ll still be sitting in chairs and using cupboard to keep things in, but the technology will be different. i think a single computer will control most of the functions in the house, and it will have a voice recognition system.
i: so we’ll just have to say switch on the light and the light __________?
g: yes, that’s right. and the technology will be smarter.
i: smarter?
g: yes. for example, if we __________ something, like there’s no more milk left in the fridge, the computer will tell us. maybe a shopping list would appear on a screen on the fridge. and the toilet will move higher or lower, ___________ who uses it-----a child or an adult.
i: will the houses of the future be environment friendly?
g: yes, definitely. we’ll be using machines which use less energy. any example could be a dishwasher which doesn’t need water. i think everyone will be trying hard to take care of the environment.
i: does that mean you’re optimistic about the future?
g: oh yes, very_________.
workbook tapescript on page 71
speaker 1
int = interview, ast= architect
int: what will be the most important advances in your area of science over the next 20 years?
ast: space research will ________ quickly. i think we’ll know _______whether there has ever been life on mars. i hope this will happen in the next ten years while i am still alive. also, we will send people to the moon. i’m sure there will be a station on the moon and people will be living there in 20 years’ time. we will use it as a base for manned trips to mars.
int: which area of science will be most important?
ast: my own profession---astronomy.
int: what do you think will be most different about the world in 2020?
ast: __________, i don’t think things will change a lot for ordinary people. i hope we will learn some common sense but i doubt it. i don’t think humans will progress a lot. i’m afraid we won’t change our behaviour and things won’t get better.
speaker 2
int: what will be the most important advances in your area of science over the next 20 years?
surg: telesurgery will develop very quickly. a surgeon like me will be able to perform operations _____________, from thousands of miles away. there will be special clinics with telesurgery equipment in every city.
int: which area of science will be most important?
surg: alternative energy research. this will become vitally important because our natural resources are ____________. we will develop alternative energy resources such as wind and solar power.
int: what do you think will be most different about the world in 2020?
surg: i think there will be too many people for our world. environment problems will be very serious. the future frightens me.
speaker 3
int: what will be the most important advances in your area of science over the next 20 years?
arch: _____________, there will be a lot more very big cities. most people will be living in high-rise buildings. individual houses are ______________. hardly anyone will have their own house in 2020. there simply won’t be enough space.
int: which area of science will be most important?
arch: medical science. it will make huge progress. scientists will find the cure for cancer and people will live longer and healthier lives.
int: what do you think will be most different about the world in 2020?
arch: i think people all over the world will live better lives. there won’t be so much poverty, and _______, there won’t be any wars. i’m very confident about the future.
外研版必修4Module2学案 第3篇
module2 developing and developed countriesmatch the main ideas and the paragraphs para1 developed countries should give more financial help para2 examples of successful development in para3 the five most important goals of the report para4 the human development index measures a country’s achievement para5 how the human development report came about language focuses: 1. 从这个协议诞生了人类发展报告。 ①铃响了。there .②门前有两棵树。in front of the door 。③学生们进来了。in .④他进来了。in 。全倒装: 达成协议: 2. 这个指标从三个方面衡量了一个国家的成就:人均寿命,教育和收入。 the index a country’s achievement :life expectancy, education and income. 3.这个指标显示了一些令人感到意外的情况。 他的书很成功。 3. 挪威位居榜首,而美国则排在第七。 norway is of the list, the us is at number7.① 我的办公室在顶层而他的在底层。 ② 尽管我承认他的优点,但我还是看到他的缺点。 i admit his strengths ,i can also see his . 5.倒数的十个国家均是非洲国家,塞拉利昂排在最后。 are all african countries, with sierra leone . 发自内心: he came in, with a smile .(脸上带着笑容)。 with tears his eyes.(眼里含着泪水) with his eyes tears.(眼里含着泪水) with many words .(有许多话要说) with his mouth .(嘴巴张得大大的) with the light .(灯亮着的) 6.然而在世界的其他地方,现在得饮用水大多是安全的。 ,in other regions, water is now mostly safe . ① 那些日子很难忘记。 ② 他好像很难交流。 pattern: . 7.报告显示,我们正在进步,但我们必须作出更多的努力。虽然发达国家提供了一些经济援助,但是它们需要提供更多的援助。有趣的是,捐钱最多的国家是荷兰,挪威,瑞典,它们都位居世界上五个最富有的国家之列,所以它们这样做是合情合理的。 the report shows that we are but we need to . countries give some financial help, they need to give , interestingly, the countries that give the most money are the netherlands, norway and sweden. these are in the world, so that they should do so. 虽然我们在保护野生动物方面已取得很大成绩,但是我们应该更加努力取得更大的成就。 we wildlife protection, we are supposed to to achieve more achievements. 8.确保所有的儿童11岁以前能接受教育。 all children have education up to the age of 11. 他确信灯关了才去睡觉的。 he all the lights he went to bed. 一定准时到这儿。 come here on time. 我们必须把事情弄清楚。we must . correction: 1. the wall is measured 10 meters. 2. water is now mostly safe to drink. 3. encourage developed countries help other countries. 4. every day 799 million people in developed countries are hungry. 5. interesting, that movie doesn’t end in happiness as people expected. 6. the paper production in that factory has been increased to third times. 7. though i need money for myself, i am still willing to helping others. 8. he is on the top of the class. 9. my english is poor, so i have planned to ask her to help me with my english, but her english is not worse than me. 10. a child as he is , he can look after himself in many respects. 11. although you can win her, but you can’t win her heart. 12. the polluting air should be cleaned up. 13. that painting is similar with this one. 14. it is smart for her to make that decision 15. too many private cars make the street crowdful. 16. he has great educational taste in art. 17. he may live there, but i can’t say for surely. 18. the problem is whether go or not. 19. there is only one room, so we have to share about it. 20. she wanted to exchange her red coat by the blue one. 21. the painting is similar with this one. writing for module 2 如何写对比说明文 1. read “writing on p 18” to summarize the structure of comparing two places: 2. finish “activity 19”on p78 to consolidate the structure of it. 3. practice; 城市成都泸州位置位于四川盆地的西部位于四川的东南,长江之滨面积和人口1.2万多平方公里,人口1000多万,是中国的第四大城市1.2万多平方公里,人口493万气候,和旅游大雾天气多,旅游业发达,每年接待数百万来自世界各地的游客,以天府之国和熊猫的家乡著称气候温和,旅游业发达,桂圆是特产之一,以酒城著称每年接待数百万来自世界各地的游客1)句型:地理位置 a is located/situated/lies/is (in /on /to the southeast… )of…or on the …river. 人口和面积; a covers an area of …with a population of… /a has a population of …with an area of …/ a has a total area of … , which is … times the size /population of /in terms of area or population, a is …times as …as b 气侯 the climate is … 旅游:a is famous /well-known for/as … /be rich in / be home to … 对比的词语; while, but ,however, yet ;although, though 2)模板: although a and b are very different cities , they are both very attractive/charming /worth visiting. a is located/situated/lies/is ….while b is located/situated/lies/is …(a is a …city , located/situated/lying ….while b is a …city located/situated/lying …)。a has a total area of…with a population of , which is …times of b with a population of …. .besides, the climate in a is…but in b…at the same time, a is famous for/as …...。however, b is home to /known as/for….therefore, both cities , rich in tourist attractions, are visited by …. despite their differences , both cities are…. 3)consolidation exercise although chengdu and luzhou are very different cities , they are both very attractive/charming 。 chengdu is_____________________________________________________(位于四川盆地的西部)while luzhou is_________________________________________________________位于四川的东南and ___________________(长江之滨)=chendu is a large city , __________________________________________________(位于四川盆地的西部)while luzhou is a middle city ____________________________________________________(位于四川的东南)and(长江之滨)。chengdu _______________________(总面积)12 ,000km2________________________(有…多人)over 10million, which is ___________________________(几乎一样大)as luzhou with a population of 4.93 million.besides, the climate in chengdu is mostly foggy but in luzhou is moderate. at the same time, chengdu is _________________( 以…著称)and ___________(的家乡)pandas。however, luzhou is_______________(作为…著称)wine city and longan is one of its specialities. therefore, both cities , rich in tourist attractions, are ___________________________________接待数百万的游客。 despite their differences , both cities are __________________________________(值得去看。)
外研版必修4Module2学案 第4篇
模块 1 europe 学案
2.辨析across/ through/ over ,across/ cross ,be/ lie/ be situated/ be located + in/ on/ to the+ 方位+of+地点名词,symbol/sign/mark
3.熟用短语 ever since, in terms of, on the other hand, little by little, have control of
1._____________ adj.坐落/位于(某处的)_______________n.位置,场所
4. _____________n. 文明________________vt.开化,使文明
7.______________n.协议,契约_______________v. 同意,赞成
1.【原句】france is europe’s third largest country and faces the united kingdom across the english channel.法国是欧洲的第三大国,越过英吉利海峡与英国隔海相望。
1) face: cn. 脸,面孔/貌 un. 面子,威信 save/lose one’s face _________________
vi/vt. 面向; 正视
eg.① the room whose window faces (to) the south is mine.______________________
② i’m faced with a new problem now. ____________________________________(c级)
face to face 面对面 in (the) face of 面对,不顾,在…面前
make a face/faces at sb. 向某人做鬼脸)
be faced with 面临
practice: ①_________ with so much trouble, we failed to complete the task on time.
a. faced b. face c. facing d. to face
② he completed the work on time ______ ______ ______ ______ many difficulties.
③ they decided to _______________ the difficulties.
2) across : prep.横过,穿过,在另一边(a级)
eg. ① they live just across the road. ______________________
② we walked across the street and soon came to a hut. ______________________(a级)
辨析:across/ through/ over
practice: ① he swam ________ the river.
② we walked ______ the village.
③ it is dangerous to clime _______ the fence.
④ the great wall winds its way from west to east, ______ deserts, ______ mountains, _______ valleys, till at last it reaches the sea. (a级)
辨析:across/ cross
across 介词指从物体的表面穿过 cross 动词指穿过,越过。
practice: ① be careful when you ________ the road.
② tom is walking ______ the road. (a级)
iii.vocabulary and reading:
1.【原句】paris is the capital and largest city of france, situated on the river seine.
one of the world’s largest art galleries, the louvre, is also located in paris.
situate v. →be situated at /in/on 坐落于,位于
eg. 那幢著名的建筑位于市中心。
locate v.→be located in /at/ on 位于
eg. 那国家位于欧洲北部。
归纳:主语+ be/ lie/ be situated/ be located + in/ on/ to the+ 方位+of+地点名词 (表示方位),
eg. ① china is / lies/ is situated/ is located ______ the east of asia.
② canada is __________ the north of america.
③ cuba (古巴) is _________ the south of the usa.( a级)
1)liqun department store is ____ right in the centre of the city.
a. located b. locating c. locate d. be locating
2. 【原句】about two-thirds of france’s artists and writers live in paris.
分数 of + 可数名词复数+复数谓语
eg. 大约三分之二的学生参加了会议。
practice: (a级)
1)four-fifths of the money_______ .
a.are spent b. was spent c. were spent d. have been spent
2)three-fourths of the buildings______.
a.was destroyed b. is destroyed c. were destroyed d. has been destroyed
3. 【原句】the most popular place for tourists is the eiffel tower, the famous symbol of paris.
symbol: n. ① 象征, ② 符号
比较:sign n. ① 手势,动作 ② 标志,招牌,指示牌 traffic signs _________③ 迹象, 征兆(与of搭配)④ 符号
vt/vi.① 做手势,示意 ② 签字,签名,签 sign a letter/ a check/ an agreement
mark: n. 痕迹; 符号,记号;分数
1)the lion is considered the king of the forest as it is a(n) _______ of courage and power. (上海04)
a. example b. sign c. mark d. symbol
2) scientists have found no ________ of life on mars so far, though great efforts have been made on the research.
a. symbol b. sign c. marks d. signals(b级)
4. 【原句】their work has influenced other writers ever since.
ever since 自从…一直, 从…起(多与现在完成时连用)
eg. ① we have been friends ever since.
② he has been here ever since monday/ then
③ we’ve been friends ever since we met at school.
归纳:ever since 既可以作副词短语,用在句末作时间状语;也可作介词或连词,接名词、副词、从句等。
practice: ① the first use of atomic weapons was in 1945, and their power ________ increased enormously ever since. (上海)
a. is b. was c. has been d. had been
② the country life he was used to __________(change) greatly ever since 1992.(a级)
cultural corner
i. phrases:(在第9页课文中找到以下短语)
1.与……比较 2. 以不同的方式
3另一方面 4..派送……到……
5. 对…… 加以控制 6. 二十世纪五十年代
.7. 逐渐地 8. 到XX年
.9. 属于 10. 增加到
11.有……人口 12. 两倍大
13. 根据,依照,从……方面来说
ii. language points: (c级)
1.in terms of eg.the house is ideal ___________________size, but it’s too expensive.
2.on the other hand 1) 用以引出相互矛盾的观点、意见等,常说on (the) one hand… on the other hand “一方面……另一方面”
2)on the other hand 一般用作插入语,可以放在句首,有时也可放句中。
eg. many people have doubt about the character in the film. _____________________ he is very cruel; _______________________________, he will cry after he has killed a person.很多人对这个电影中的人物持怀疑态度,一方面,这个人很残忍,另一方面,当他杀死一个人后他还会哭。
3.little by little eg. little by little the snow disappeared. _____________________.
4.have control over eg.a head teacher ____________________________all his students, or some of them may break the school rules. 班主任必须对所有的学生加以控制,否则,有些学生会违反学校规则。
相关短语: lose control of ________________ bring sth. under control _______________
1. on the one hand, you should study hard; _________________, you also should pay attention to your health.
2. which team does yao ming, the famous chinese nba basketball player,_______________?
3. shao guan__________________ its danxia mountain which is also called the red stone park.
4. china daily is_______________a newspaper.it can help us improve our english.
5. she eats a lot and exercises a little. as a result, she is getting fatter______________________.
6. the job is great__________________pay, but it has its disadvantages.
the plane arrived late _________ _________ the snowstorm.
he has been teaching maths ______ _______ he came to this school.
1.india is the second large country in population in the world.
2.the oil tanker sank on the coast of mexico in the hurricane.
3.the south of the mountain lies a small village where the villagers lead a peaceful and quiet life.
4.two thirds of the population in europe is living in cities.
5.there was a natural disaster in china in 1960s.
6.shanghai is famous as its advanced technology.
7.you have to stay at home until your wife returns, haven’t you?
8.it’s well known that Chinese Taiwan is belonged to china.
9.the european are not all fond of tea.
10.you should have done your homework by this way.
1.a big whale was caught ________the coast by two fishermen.
2.in new zealand,people lives in the houses with their doors ________north.
a.faceb.faced to thec.facingd.facing to
3.we needn’t have watered the trees.you see,it looks like ________.
a.rainsb.to be rainingc.raind.rained
4.we visited the art gallery in the morning and an exhibition later, with a hurried lunch________.
a. betweenb. inc. amongd. since
5.everyone shouts“ kill it!”when a rat is seen to run ________the street.
6.mr hiward,a man ________himself dan came to see you this morning,and left you a message here.
a.calledb.callingc.was calledd.calls
7.an old friend of mine called me up this morning,but he refused to tell me his present ________.
8.all the teachers are against the idea to ________the new teaching building beside the sports ground.
a.findb.setc .located.build up
9.many people like white color as it is a ________ of purity.
10.there has been a great increase in bicycle sales this year________?
a.does thereb.isn’t therec.hasn’t thered.isn’t it
language points (module1 b3)
1. a pigeon is the s_______________of peace.
2. there are many a______________ buildings in rome.
3.the station is just _________________ (对面) the store.
4. leonardo da vinci produced many paintings and ______________.(雕刻)
5. chinese _________ (文明) is one of the oldest in the world.
6. the new ________(工程) is to build our own swimming baths.
ii. complete the following chart.
on the other side of 在…另一边
having one thing on one side and sth else on the other 在…之间
away from 远离 off the coast
in the direction 在…的外面
next to, along the side of 接壤, 在河边 on the river/ coast
within a place or area 在…内部
1. the red army overcame many difficulties during the long march, _____ the snow mountain, _____ the river and _____ the forest.
a. over; through; across b. over; across; through
c. across; through; over d. across; over; through
2. Chinese Taiwan is ______ the east of fujian and lies _______ the east of china.
a. in; in b. in; to c. to; / d. to; /in
3.the country is a small island _____ the south coast of the pacific ocean.
a. of b. from c. off d. on
iii.language points
1. ①paris is the capital and largest city of france, ________ on the river seine.
②….the lovre, _____ also _______ in paris.
③barcelona is the second largest city of spain and ____ _________ on the northeast coast.
____________ in/on/to/between/across …
2. the most popular place for tourists is the eiffel tower, the famous symbol of paris.
the famous symbol of paris 和the eiffel tower是同位关系。
on maps, a cross is the symbol for a church.
the dove is the symbol of peace.
◆比较signal, sign, symbol, mark并完成句子。
the rose is a __________ of love. a dark cloud is a __________ of rain.
please make a ________ where you don’t understand.
he raised his arm as a ___________ for us to stop.
3. gaudi worked on the project from 1882 until his death in 1926.
work on宾语通常是具体的动作对象。 对…起作用/有影响;从事于/致力于创作、画、做.
②the medicine doesn’t work on his illness.
①work at 从事于,学习可以用于任何时态。宾语通常为抽象的事物。
he is working at english.
they have worked at this subject for many years.
②work out 算出,解决;制定(计划,方案等)
work out the physics problem/a plan
③work as 担任…工作,当…
she worked as a journalist.
they _____on the program for almost one week before i joined them, and now we _____it as no good results have come out so far. (江苏)
a. had been working; are still working b. had worked; were still working
c. have been working ;have worked d. have worked; are still working
4. a great artistic movement which began in the1300s and lasted for three hundred years.
last vi. 没有 ________语态 last + (for/until/through) + time
①the meeting will __________________ (持续两周) .
②each lesson ______________________________(持续40分钟)in our school.
③the anti-japanese war ______in 1937 and it ______eight years.
a. was broken out; lasted b. broke out; lasted
c. break out; lasts d. broke out; was lasted
5. during the renaissance, some of the greatest painters of all time lived and worked in florence.
◆请复习有关time的短语:of all time, in no time, at no time, at a time, at one time,
6. their work has influenced other writers ever since.
influence vt. / n. have a(n) … influence on the weather influences the crops.
◆区别influence ,effect并完成句子
this kind of medicine have no ____________ on me.
our teacher have a great ______________ on us.
外研版必修4Module2学案 第5篇
book 4, module 2: writing
1、修建更多的立交桥和地铁 2、使用公共交通工具或骑自行车或步行
3、开辟更多的公交车路线 4、控制小汽车的产量
词汇:bus/ coach /taxi, cab /trolleybus /underground, subway /bike/motorbike/truck/stop, station /roadworks/route/pedestrian/overpass/crowded//accident/convenient(adj),convenience(n),inconvenient, inconvenience/ taxi driver, cab driver/ rush hour /public transport/ cause congestion/ traffic jam /ease(add to )traffic pressure /private car/motorway ,freeway, superhighway/crossroads, intersection /one-way street/no entry/no parking /car park, parking lot/be(get) stuck in/bicycle lane/city centre/ring road/traffic light/traffic rules/under construction/keep cool/…
1. what’s the problem with… ? 2. what’s the solution to the problem?
3. it’s time for sb to do sth./it’s high time that sb did sth.
4. we should take measures/steps/action to do sth./measures should be taken to… 5.the reason why… is that… 6. it’s a good idea to… 7.how about/what about…? 8.why not/why don’t we… ? 9.let’s do … 10.we’d better (not) do…
第一:first/firstly/at first/first of all/in the first place/to begin with/to start with/for one thing…第二: second/secondly/in the second place/next/then/for another thing…
第三: third/thirdly/besides/in addition/furthermore/moreover/what’s more…
最后/总之: finally/at last/lastly/in the last place/last of all/last but not least/in a word/in a nutshell…
the traffic jams have become a terrible problem and they are usually caused by people _______________________________________________________ (不遵守交通规则)and_____________(道路施工)on the streets. besides, the increase of new cars also _______________________________________(导致)the traffic jams . therefore, __________________________________________(交通堵塞越来越严重). this causes people’s inconvenience and it’s high time _________________________________(采取措施解决这一问题). what’s the solution to the problem? my suggestions are as follows:
____________(第一), we should build more__________(立交桥) and underground lines so as to ______________________(缓解交通压力). _______________(第二),we’d better go to work or go shopping by bus ,by bike or on foot instead of driving private cars. __________(第三), ______________________(好点子) to open up more public bus routes. __________(最后), the production of cars should ____________(控制), for there are too many cars moving on the roads every day.
________(总之), i believe we can improve our traffic conditions if we try our best.
book 4 module 2 p12
getting around in beijing
read the passage and answer:
2.they are usually red, and they _________the price per kilometer on the window.
3.you should check the cab has a business _________(permit/permission), and ______________you ask for a ___________(发票,收据).
4.public transport ___________(offer/provide/supply)a cheap way to _____________in beijing.
5.there are 20,000 buses and _____________(电车)in beijing, but they __________(must/should/can) get very ___________.
6.____________________________________to avoid public transport during the rush hour.
7.________(车费)are cheap, _____________(to start/starting/started) at 1 yuan.
8.buses numbered 1 to 100 ________________(limit)travel within the city centre. higher numbers have destinations _______________________(郊区).
9.tourists shouldn’t miss the 103bus _______ offers one of the most ____________(impress/impressive/impression) routs, _________ the forbidden city and the white pagoda in beihai park.
10.you’ll ______________________(看见) the rapidly changing city.
11.however, there is also a night bus service, provided by buses with a number in the 200s.
12.there _____(is/are) four _____________ lines in beijing, and several lines are _________________________. trains are fast and ________________(方便的), but rush hours _______ be terrible.
13.tourists like these human-pedalled “tricycle taxis”, but they ________ be expensive.
14.you should talk to the driver ,and make sure you know the price before you begin the journey, for example, if it is per person, single, or return.(分析本句)
15.tricycles are worth_____________(use/to use/using/being used/to be used), if you want to __________ (explore/exploration) the narrow alleys(hutong)of old beijing.
book 4 module 2 p14
speaker 1
on my way home a few days ago, i _______ _________ again in the traffic. while i was waiting, i saw a group of taxi drivers in front of me getting out of their cars. they seemed to know each other. they had coffee cups and one of them carried a thermos flask and ________ _______ some hot water to make tea. it was quite funny! but even after the tea party was over, the traffic was still _________ and we still couldn’t move.
speaker 2
a few days ago i had to catch a plane to sichuan province. the plane took off at 5:30 pm so i set off at ______ pm to allow plenty of time to get to the airport. but it wasn’t enough time. at 5 pm i was still only at the third _______ ________. it was just ridiculous! there was____ ____ i was going to catch the plane, so i told the taxi driver to turn back and go home.
speaker 3
it’s only 7 kilometers from my home to my place of work. but every day, it is almost certain there will be a traffic ______ as i get near the west fourth ring road. it’s so annoying! it takes at least 15 to 20 minutes to _______ ___________ it. i think the traffic jams are usually caused by people disobeying traffic rules. to get to the front of the line, they often take the bicycle _______. it’s the same with pedestrians and cyclists. they don’t wait for the green light to pass.
speaker 4
beijing traffic seems to have got noticeably worse recently. the causes seem to be __________ as the city prepares for the olympics, and a huge increase in new car owners and new drivers. whatever the cause, it’s enough to __________ you mad! why not limit the number of cars, build more _______________ lines or follow shanghai and build roads in the sky? these days i only go out in my car at night after 9 pm. that way i avoid the worst of the traffic.
speaker 5
going to the summer palace the other evening there was a big traffic jam at a narrow bridge. one lane in either direction. so obviously there were lots of cars _____________ on the wrong side of the road which then came to a complete stop when a car came ____ the other direction. result :no one was able to move for 10 minutes! as soon as it _____________ the same thing happened again. it’s unbelievable!
book 4 module 2 p77
conversation 1
a: hello.
nora: hi. it’s me , nora.
a: hello. have you got your ticket?
n: yes. i am coming on the ____th of june. the plane arrives at 5 pm. then i have a __________ at 6:15.
a: that’s _________ hour. the roads will be very busy.
n: how can i get to the central bus station?
a: take the number 23bus at the airport. it will be just as quick as a taxi.
n: thanks. i’ll let you know how i _________ ________.
conversation 2
a: hello.
n: hi. it’s me. nora. there’s no way i’ll get to the bus ____________ in time for my coach. i’m on the 23 bus and it’s stuck in a traffic jam. it’s just ridiculous!
a: oh dear. where are you exactly?
n: on the ring road, not far from the hospital.
a: keep _________! i’ve got an idea. why not take the underground? there’s a station near the hospital. it’ ll be _____________ but much quicker than the bus.
n: good idea. i’ll phone you later.
conversation 3
a: hello.
n: hi. it’s me again.
a: hi, nora. where are you now?
n: i’m at the bus station but i’ve __________ the coach. it’s so annoying! i only missed it by 2 minutes.
a: listen! the coach stops at the railway station. take a taxi there now and you may catch the coach.
n: ok. it’s worth ____________. i’ll speak to you later.
conversation 4
a: hello.
n: it’s me again.
a: where are you this time?
n: on the coach! i finally ___________ ________ .
a: it’s unbelievable!
n: how do i get to your apartment from the coach station?
a: ________ in the bus station ________ i’ll come and get you. what time do you arrive?
n: at 8 o’ clock.
a: see you then.
n: thanks.