



立法机关 legislature
中华人民共和国主席/副主席 president/vice president, the people's republic of china
全国人大委员长/副委员长 chairman/vice chairman, national people's congress
秘书长 secretary-general
主任委员 chairman
委员 member
(地方人大)主任 chairman, local people's congress
人大代表 deputy to the people's congress
政府机构 government organization
国务院总理 premier, state council
国务委员 state councilor
秘书长 secretary-general
(国务院各委员会)主任 minister in charge of commission for
(国务院各部)部长 minister
部长助理 assistant minister
司长 director
局长 director
省长 governor
常务副省长 executive vice governor
自治区人民政府主席 chairman, autonomous regional people's government
地区专员 commissioner, prefecture
香港特别行政区行政长官 chief executive, hong kong special administrative region
市长/副市长 mayor/vice mayor
区长 chief executive, district government
县长 chief executive, county government
乡镇长 chief executive, township government
秘书长 secretary-general
办公厅主任 director, general office
(部委办)主任 director
处长/副处长 division chief/deputy division chief
科长/股长 section chief
科员 clerk/officer
发言人 spokesman
顾问 adviser
参事 counselor
巡视员 inspector/monitor
特派员 commissioner
外交官衔 diplomatic rank
特命全权大使 ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary
公使 minister
代办 charge d'affaires
临时代办 charge d'affaires ad interim
参赞 counselor
政务参赞 political counselor
商务参赞 commercial counselor
经济参赞 economic counselor
新闻文化参赞 press and cultural counselor
公使衔参赞 minister-counselor
商务专员 commercial attaché
经济专员 economic attaché
文化专员 cultural attaché
商务代表 trade representative
一等秘书 first secretary
武官 military attaché
档案秘书 secretary-archivist
专员/随员 attaché
总领事 consul general
领事 consul
司法、公证、公安 judiciary,notary and public security
人民法院院长 president, people's courts
人民法庭庭长 chief judge, people's tribunals
审判长 chief judge
审判员 judge
书记 clerk of the court
法医 legal medical expert
法警 judicial policeman
人民检察院检察长 procurator-general, people's procuratorates
监狱长 warden
律师 lawyer
公证员 notary public
总警监 commissioner general
警监 commissioner
警督 supervisor
警司 superintendent
警员 constable
政党 political party
中共中央总书记 general secretary, the cpc central committee
政治局常委 member, standing committee of political bureau, the cpc central committee
政治局委员 member, political bureau of the cpc central committee
书记处书记 member, secretariat of the cpc central committee
中央委员 member, central committee
候补委员 alternate member
…省委/市委书记 secretary,…provincial/municipal committee of the cpc
党组书记 secretary, party leadership group
社会团体 nongovernmental organization
会长 president
主席 chairman
名誉顾问 honorary adviser
理事长 president
理事 trustee/council member
总干事 director-general
总监 director


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