推力[轴]承箱 thrust box
推力常数 thrust constant
蝶形螺帽,元宝螺帽 thumb nut
坐板支材(小艇) thwart ship bracing plank
瓷砖工作 tile work
舵柄 tiller
生火报时器 time firing (or stoking) indicator (or device)
时控替续器 time relay
镀锡 tinning
张力脚式钻油台 tlp (= tension leg platform)
吨位甲板 tonnage deck
工具,刀具 tool
低稳度 top heavy
顶桅支索帆 topmast staysail
扭转振动 torsional vibration
不定期船 tramper
变迁流动 transitional flow
定时开关 time switch
理货员办公室 tally office
二重底外侧腋板 tank side bracket
柜型稳定器 tank type stabilizer
焦油水泥 tar cement
张力脚式平台 tbp (= tethered buoyant platform)
齐柏琪夫氏规则 tchebycheff's rule
遥控系统 telemanipulator system
[套筒]伸缩管 telescopic pipe
[套筒]伸缩轴 telescopic shaft
[套筒]伸缩顶桅 telescopic top mast
显示器,示警器 telltale
试锤 test hammer
理论喉深 theoretical throat
热膨胀 thermal expansion
热力学 thermodynamics
温度液压给水调节器 thermo-hydraulic feed water regulator(or two elements feed water regulator)
三心电缆 three-core cable
三级压缩机 three-stage compressor
节流调速 throttling governing
推力负荷系数 thrust load coefficient
止推轴环 thrust shaft collar
牵拉角型材 tie angle bar
系杆,牵杆 tie rod (or bar)
定时阀系统 timed valve system
定时器 timer
叶端间隙 tip clearance
t形接头,三通管接 t joint
盥洗室 toilet
梳妆架 toilet rack
吨位 tonnage
减吨开口关闭板 tonnage board
上桅 topgallant mast
顶帽形肋骨 top hat frames
俯仰顶索转动座(吊杆) topping swivel
俯仰绞机(吊杆) topping winch
手栏杆 top rail
气[炬]焊[接] torch welding
鱼雷母舰 torpedo depot ship
扭矩,转矩 torque
总热熵图 total heat entropy diagram
塔型起重机 tower crane
拖[缆]钩 towing hook
梁规 trammels
水中升降机 transfer capsule
拉应力 tensile stress
第三应力 tertiary stress
回旋试航 tactical trial
索尾滑车 tail block
油轮,液货船 tank vessel (or tanker)
楔形,推拔 taper
攻螺丝机 tapping machine
螺丝攻扳钳 tap wrench
t型材 t bar
上死点 tdc (= top dead center)
柚木 teak
扭曲试验 twisting test
铝热剂,发热焊接剂 thermit (or thermite)
自动记录温度器 thermograph
热固型 thermosetting type
螺纹切削 thread cutting
[容许]三舱区浸水船 three-compartment ship
推力减少率 thrust deduction coefficient
系梁 tie beam
舵索 tiller rope
时间延迟,时滞 time lag
表涂层 top coat
上死点 top dead center (tdc)
顶帽型材 top hat section
扭转,扭曲 torsion
拖曳式计程仪 towing log
船模试验槽 towing tank
t形件 t piece
换接开关 transfer switch
变压器 transformer
传动装置,传动齿轮 transmission gear
横肋[结构]船 transverse framed ship
横向强度 transverse strength
移动门型起重机 travelling gantry
木钉 tree nail
三夹层安全玻璃 triplex safety glass
波状变形 tucking (or corrugation)
涡轮机壳 turbine casing (or cylinder)
塔顶甲板 turret deck
甲板间梯 tween deck ladder
双螺桨船 twin screw vessel
隧道形艉 tunnel stern
热应力 thermal stress
三路开关 three-way switch
艉栏杆 taff rail
兽脂,牛脂 tallow
串行复合(引擎) tandem compound
纵列下水 tandem launching
鱼雷柜(潜艇) torpedo tank
卷尺,带 tape
挺杆 tappet rod
回转时间 tat (= turn-around time)
电话浮筒 telephone buoy
望远镜 telescope
伸缩吊柜架 telescopic spreader
[套筒]伸缩通气管 telescopic vent
温度上升系数 temperature rise coefficient
回火弯曲试验 temper bending test
预热空气 tempered air
张力,拉力 tension
张力控制器 tension control assembly
试片,试件 test piece
t形头 t head
热疲劳 thermal fatigue
热媒柜送风机 thermofan
调温阀 thermostatic valve
三管轮 third engineer
三副 third officer
桨脚,桨座 thole
三极开关 three-pole switch
偏心距 throw of eccentric
桨手座,艇座,[艇中]坐板 thwart (or bank)
层 tier
定时阀 timing valve
叶端泄漏(涡轮机) tip leak
叶端漏泄 tip leakage
倾斜装置,倾卸装置 tipper
吨位容积 tonnage capacity
每公分吃水吨数 tons per centimeter immersion
上重船,低稳度船 top heavy vessel (or tender ship)
中桅支索 topmast backstay
上舷侧外板(钢船) topside plating
反鱼雷艇驱逐舰 torpedo boat destroyer
鱼雷[发射]管 torpedo tube
扭矩扳手 torque wrench
扭力试验机 torsion tester
拖索承梁 towing beam
拖航灯 towing light
拖缆短索 towing pendant
殿缘 trailing edge
训练船,实习船 training ship
不定期轮船 tramp steamer
移动滑车 travelling block
架柱 trestle type column
跳脱试验 tripping test
手动举重机 trolley hoist (or trolley)
热带淡水载重线 tropical fresh water loadline (tf)
真方位 true bearing
剑形艉壳板 tuck plate
鲔[延绳]钓渔船 tuna clipper
钨钢 tungsten steel
逃生通道 tunnel escape
轴道污水井 tunnel well
涡轮泵 turbine pump
蒸汽涡轮机船 turbine steamer (ts)
紊流运动 turbulent motion
产汽量变化比(锅炉) turn down ratio
回旋圈 turning circle
回旋直径 turning diameter
炮台,多角刀架,六角刀架 turret
二芯电缆 twin core cable
双螺桨船 twin screw ship
前后顺序填角潜弧焊 twin tendem fillet welding (ttf)
扭曲试验 twisting test
两级压缩 two stage compression
直通板列 through strake
切线应力 tangent shearing stress
换接开关 transfer switch
捻转开关 turn switch
艉轴 tail (or screw, or propeller, or stern) shaft
切线坐标 tangential coordinate
螺丝攻,分接,分接头 tap
t形联接 t connection
拉力断裂试验 tension rupture test
暂定规范 tentative specification
端电压 terminal voltage
试纸 test paper
热效率 thermal efficiency
温度比 thermal ratio
铝热焊接,发热焊接 thermit welding
热电势 thermo emf
热塑性绝缘电缆 thermoplastic insulated cable
螺纹车刀 thread cutter
三路开关 three-way switch
帆前上角帆索 throat halyard
喉厚(焊接) throat thickness
全通腋板,贯通托架 through bracket
连通内龙骨 through plate center keelson
直通板列 through strake
闸流体-连纳德系统 thyrister-leonard system
系杆,牵杆,拉杆 tie bar (or rod)
系板 tie plate
梁层 tier of beams
贮木池 timber pond
最接近点时间 time to closest point of approach (tcpa)
嵌合锻接 tongue (or scarph) weld
齿 tooth
辅助空气压缩机 topping up air compressor
韧化处理 toughening treatment
拖缆桩 towing bitt (or post, or bollard)
拖船 towing boat
拖缆 towing line
拖索,拖缆 tow rope (or line)
描图布 tracing cloth
航迹图 track chart
不定期船 tramp boat (or tramper)
阱,祛水器 trap
移动起重机 travelling crane
趋向显示 trend display
试差法 trial and error method
试船况 trial condition
扳机,触发器 trigger
俯仰角 trim angle
艏俯 trim by bow (or head, or stem)
调平舱口 trimming hatch
三通阀 triple valve
真应变 true strain
绝对风向 true wind direction
斜桁纵帆 trysail
倒扳开关 tumbler switch
气体遮蔽钨弧焊 tungsten arc inert gas welding (tig)
槽道底盘货柜 tunnel bottom container
涡轮机叶系 turbine blading
六角车床,多角车床 turret lathe
甲板间内衬板 tween deck ceiling
双拼吊柜架(货柜) twin-lift spreader
低稳度船 tender vessel (or crank vessel)
帆前下角索环 tack cringle
尾心轴 tail spindle
俯仰平衡柜(潜艇) trimming tank
油轮,液货船 tanker (or tank) vessel
楔形叶片 tapered blade
[整补]作业灯 task light
最接近点时间 tcpa (= time to closest point of approach)
传令器,电报机 telegraph
低稳度船 tender vessel (or crank vessel)
接线盘 terminal block
试验载重,试验负荷 test load
试验台 test stand
绝热构造 thermal insulation construction
热应力 thermal stress
热电流 thermoelectric current
自动记录温度图 thermogram
厚度 thickness
螺纹机 threading machine
三层甲板船 three deck vessel
三岛型船 three island vessel
三通旋塞 three way cock
推力[轴]承,止推[轴]承 thrust bearing (or block)
推力[轴]环 thrust collar (or thrust shaft collar)
推力装置 thruster
推力垫,止推垫 thrust pad
气体遮蔽钨弧焊 tig (= tungsten arc inert gas welding)
运木船 timber carrier
锡焊料 tin solder
吨位标志 tonnage mark
减吨开口 tonnage opening
工具架,刀把 tool holder
工具箱 tool kit
天花板 top ceiling
顶吊装置 top lifting device
中桅箍 topmast band
上舷侧 topside
上油箱,上部柜 top tank
上部用材(木船) top timber
转矩变换器(液力传动装置) torque converter
拖船 towing vessel
拖缆马力 tow rope horsepower
传动效率 transmission efficiency
发射机,发信器,发报机,发话机 transmitter
横向接头 transverse joint
横向稳度 transverse stability
吊遇车 traveller
阀行程 travel of valve
试航船速 trial speed
三[胴]船体 trimaran
俯仰船况 trim condition
滑接馈线 trolley wire
热带干舷 tropical freeboard
抽橱式断路器 truck type circuit breaker
涡轮机 turbine
涡轮电力驱动 turbo-electric drive
激紊装置 turbulence stimulator
松节油 turpentine
甲板间肋骨 tween deck frame
二十呎货柜[相]当[数]量 twenty feet equivalent unit (teu)
二船台建造方式 two ship way building system
二段增压机 two-stage supercharger
平头钉孔 tack hole
回旋直径 tactical diameter
洗舱 tank washing (or cleaning)
回火色 temper colour
回火 tempering
榫接头 tenon joint
试验机 testing machine
热电偶温度计 thermocouple thermometer
热虹吸 thermo-syphon
牛眼圈,缆索嵌环 thimble
摇变度 thixotropic index (or degree of thixotropy)
三轮滑车 three fold block (or treble block)
三相 three phase
三夹板 three ply wood
三股索 three stranded rope
咽喉螺栓 throat bolt
节流式热量计 throttling calorimeter
贯穿螺栓 through bolt
气体遮蔽钨弧焊 tig (= tungsten inert gas ) welding
大修间隔时间 time between overhaul (tbo)
计时雇船 time charter
铁皮剪[刀] tinman's shears
趾裂痕(焊接) toe crack
吨位证书 tonnage certificate
最高升程 top lift
中桅帆桁吊索 topsail lift
扭振记录器 torsiograph
扭矩 torsional moment
总热量 total heat
舰塔 tower
拖力 towing force
拖缆绞机 towing winch (or machine, or engine)
描图纸 tracing paper
训练船 training vessel
传动轴 transmission shaft
横肋系统 transverse frame system
电铃 trembling bell
系留试车 trial at anchor
俯仰,俯仰差 trim
吊运车 trolley
管形吊杆 tubular derrick
回旋能力 turning ability
回旋特性 turning characteristics
盘车装置 turning gear
弯部 turn of bilge
双拖[网]渔船 two boat trawler
三岛型船 three island vessel
转速记录仪 tachograph
缀合铆钉,定位铆钉 tack (or quilt) rivet
[活塞]尾杆 tail rod
串行舵 tandem rudder
撕裂试验 tear test
回火脆性 temper brittleness
模板放样 template loft
临时规则 tentative rule
终[点]压[力] terminal pressure
浮拉式平台 tethered buoyant platform (tbp)
蓄热器 thermal accumulator
三维强度计算 three-dimensional strength calculation
节流操纵 throttle control
节流阀 throttle valve
推力 thrust
推力中心 thrust center
推[力]减[少]因子 thrust deduction factor
推力轴 thrust shaft
耐密焊接 tight weld
舵链 tiller chain
[装]载木[材]载重线 timber loadline (l)
定时开关 time switch
定时齿轮 timing gear