营销中心的沟通职责 the communication responsibility of the marketing center
顾客需求信息:demand information of customers
新品信息:information of new products
竞品情况:situation of compatible products
品种计划:variety plan
市场环境信息:information of the market environment
行业发展情况:developing situation of the industry
市场细分:subdivision of the market
市场定位:market positioning
顾客购买习惯:purchasing habits of customers
顾客购买力:purchasing power of customers
顾客满意信息:satisfaction information of customers
订货信息:information of ordering goods
顾客投诉:customers’ complaints
营销员培训要求:training request for the marketing employee
经销商培训要求:training request for the distributor
员工素质分析:workers’ educational level analysis
设计处:design division
市场部:market department
研发中心:research and invention center
定型:finalize the design
营销中心:marketing center
生产中心:production center
供应部:supply department
市场部:market department
广告媒体:advertisement media
营销中心:marketing center
广告处:advertisement division
营销大区:large section of marketing
品牌规划:trademark plan
财务部:financial department
业务部:business department
供应部:supply department
需求计划:requirements planning
生产中心:production center
储运部:warehousing and transportation department
业务部:business department
品质部:quality department
相关分厂:relevant branch factory
业务部:business department
人力资源部:human resources department
培训实施:implement of the training
研发中心的沟通职责 the communication responsibility of the research and invention center
竞品情况:situation of compatible products
新原料情况:situation of new material
新技术情况:situation of new technology
新原理情况:situation new principle
市场要求:requirement of the market
指令下达:send down the instruction
各研发部:each research and invention department
研发中心:research and invention center
研发计划:research and invention plan
新品:new products
市场部:market department
定型:finalize the design
研发中心:research and invention center
生产中心:production center
供应部:supply department
品质部:quality department
财务部:financial department
原材料进货:raw and processed materials merchandise purchases
品质部:quality department
供应部:supply department
中心化验室:central laboratory
储运处:warehousing and transportation division
生产现场:field of production
品质部:quality department
生产分厂:production branch factory
产成品:finished goods
品质部:quality department
储运处:warehousing and transportation division
顾客投诉:customers’ complaints
品质部:quality department
中心化验室:central laboratory
生产分厂:production branch factory
制定纠正措施:establishing rectification measures
品质培训计划:quality training plan
品质培训quality training
生产中心的沟通职责 the communication responsibility of the production center
人力资源部:human resources department
营销中心:marketing center
供应部:supply department
人员供应:personnel supply
要货计划:goods demand plan
原料供应:raw material supply
研发中心:research and invention center
生产工艺:manufacturing technique
生产中心:production center
原料储存:raw material storage
储运处:warehousing and transportation division
设备处:facility division
调度计划:dispatching plan
品质部:quality department
各生产分厂:each production branch factory
各生产班组:each production team
储运处:warehousing and transportation division
员工素质:educational level of workers
员工培训要求:workers’ training requirement
各生产分厂:each production branch factory
生产中心:production center
人力资源部:human resources department
培训计划:training plan
培训实施:training implementing
生产中心:production center
质量标准:quality standard
消耗标准:consumption standard
产量标准 output standard
现场标准:field standard
纪律标准 discipline standard
培训标准 training standard
其它标准 other standards
各制面分厂:each noodle producing branch factory
各生产班组:each production team
人力资源部:human resources department
生产中心:production center
人力资源部的沟通职责 the communication responsibility of the human resources department
各部门人员需求:personnel demand of each department
人员需求规划:personnel demand plan
人员变动情况:personnel alteration situation
人力资源部:human resources department
信息发布:information release
广告媒体:advertisement media
人员需求规划:personnel demand plan
公司各部门:each department of the company
内部招聘:recruitment inside the company
外部招聘:recruitment outside the company
岗前培训:training before taking the job
公司各部门:each department of the company
公司各部门培训规划:training plan of each department of the company
员工素质调查:investigation of workers’ educational level
公司培训要求:training requirement of the company
人力资源部:human resources department
培训计划:training plan
培训实施:training implementing
公司各部门:each department of the company
各用人部门:each staffing department
工作表现:task performance
工作纪律:task discipline
工作成绩:task achievement
人力资源部:human resources department
转岗:job transfer
晋降职:promotion or demotion
晋降薪:salary increase or decrease
其它激励:other inspiritment
解聘:dismissal from employment
相关部门审批:examine and approved by relevant department
人力资源部:human resources department
办理手续:fulfilling formalities
相关部门:relevant department
离职:leave the post
公司新闻:company’s news
公司报刊:company’s newspaper
外来文件:exterior documents
内部文件:interior documents
会议精神:spirit of the meeting
报刊信件:newspapers and letters
宣传材料:propaganda materials
行政部administrative department
各相关部门:each relevant department
基层员工:employees of grass roots
基层员工:employees of grass roots
合理化建议:rationalization proposal
各部门:each department
行政部administrative department
方针政策:guidelines and policies
上级领导:superior leaders
新闻单位:press units
政府人员:government agents
行政部administrative department
相关部门:relevant department
供应部的沟通责任 the communication responsibility of the supply department
营销中心:marketing center
生产中心:production center
研发中心:research and invention center
基建处:capital construction division
各部门:each department
促销品:sales promotion products
原材料:raw and processed materials
研发材料:research and invention materials
基建材料:capital construction materials
办公用品:office supplies
供应部:supply department
对供应商的评价:appraisement to the suppliers
董事会:board of directors
企业特别助理:special assistant of the enterprise
行政副总裁:administrative deputy president
财务副总裁:financial deputy president
企划部:enterprise planning department
营销中心:marketing center
人力资源部:human resources department
储运部:warehousing and transportation department
生产中心:production center
供应部:supply department
监察委:supervision committee
研发中心:research and invention center
行政部administrative department
财务部:financial department
审计部:audit department
平面设计处:graphic design division
广告处:advertisement division
品牌规划处:trademark planning division
市场部:market department
各营销大区:each large section of marketing
业务部:business department
各制面分厂:each noodle producing branch factory
各分公司:each branch company
设备处:facility division
动力工程处:power engineering division
质量管理处:quality control division
各研发部:each research and invention department
中心实验室:central laboratory
外联处:exterior communication division