wall paper 壁纸,糊墙纸
wallet paper 钱包用纸
warm nursery paper 育苗纸
washable paper 耐洗纸
washable wall paper 耐洗糊墙纸
waste paper 废纸
water absorbent paper 吸水纸
water color paper 水彩画纸
water creped paper 湿润起皱纸
water finished paper 湿润加工单面涂布纸
water lined paper 水印格纸
water-marked paper 水印纸
water soluble paper 水溶性纸
water leaf paper 未施胶纸张
water leaf paper for parchment 羊皮纸原纸
waterleaf paper for velcanized fiber 钢纸原纸
waterlproof paper 防水纸,不透水纸
wax paper 蜡纸
wax cloth paper 蜡布纸
wax sized paper 涂蜡纸
waxed paper 涂蜡纸
waxed antiseptic paper 涂蜡杀菌纸
waxed parchment paper 涂蜡羊皮纸
waxed tissue excelsior 刨花蜡纸
waxing paper 蜡纸原纸
waxing stencil paper 誊写蜡纸
wax-sized paper 石蜡施胶纸
waybill paper 载纸,运货单纸
weather resisting paper 防潮纸
web paper 卷筒印刷纸
web offset paper 卷筒胶版印刷纸
welding paper 焊接保护纸
wet soak paper 浸渍纸
wet type recording paper 湿式记录纸
wet strength paper 湿强纸张
wet waxed paper 润湿蜡纸
whatman('s) paper 高级图画纸
wheatstone paper 电报纸带
white fibre 白色钢纸
white fibre sheathing 白建筑覆盖纸
white manila paper 白纸板,白色马尼拉纸
white rope tag 白标签麻浆纸
willesden paper 防水纸
window drape paper 窗帘纸
window-envelope paper 开窗信封纸
window paster paper 窗户纸
window shade paper 窗帘纸
wiping(off) paper 油墨擦拭纸
wire-wrap paper 绝缘薄纸,卷缠绝缘纸
wood chip paper 木浆粗纤维纸
wood-containing paper 含磨木浆的纸张
wood free paper 不含磨木浆的纸张
woodcut book paper 木刻画用纸
woody paper 含磨木浆的纸张
wool(en) paper 含羊毛纸
wove paper 横纹纸,布纹纸
wrapping paper 包装纸,封面纸
writing paper 书写纸
wove finish paper 布纹纸
wood-free paper 道林纸
wood-free 不含磨木浆的纸张
winding of paper 卷纸
winding stock 吹纸
white board 白板纸
white manifold paper 白色打字纸
white paper 未印过的纸张,只印单面的双面印刷纸
wedding bristol 优质纸
weddings 高光泽卡片纸
waste leaf 废页,废纸
waste paper stock 废纸浆
waste sheet 残页,废纸,加放纸
waterproof pasteboard 耐水纸板
waxed kraft 涂蜡牛皮纸
wagon board 汽车用纸板
wall board 壁纸;建筑用纸板
wash board 护壁板
waterproof board 防水纸板
waterproof corrugated board 防水瓦楞纸板
waxed board 石蜡纸板
wet machine board 湿抄纸板
wet strength board 湿强纸板
white board 白纸板
wood board 木板
wood filled board 磨木浆芯层纸板
wood pulp board 化学木浆纸板
wood vat-lined board 圆网纸机制的含磨木浆纸板
wool board 含羊毛纸板
wire-wound rod coater 钢丝缠绕刮棒式涂布机
wall paper 壁纸
wallet paper 钱包用纸
warm nursery paper 育苗纸
washable paper 耐洗纸
washable wall paper 耐洗糊墙纸
waste paper 废纸
water absorbent paper 吸水纸
water color paper 水彩画纸
water creped paper 湿润起皱纸
water lined paper 水印格纸
water finished paper 湿润加工单面涂布纸
waterleaf paper 未施胶纸张
waterleaf paper for parchment 羊皮纸原纸
waterleaf paper for velcanized fiber 钢纸原纸
waterproof paper 防水纸,不透水纸
wax paper 蜡纸
wax cloth paper 蜡布纸
wax sized paper 涂蜡纸
waxed paper paper paper paper paperv 涂蜡纸
waxed antiseptic paper 涂蜡杀菌纸
waxed parchment paper 涂蜡羊皮纸
waxing paper 蜡纸原纸
waxing stencil paper 誊写蜡纸
waybill paper 载纸,运货单纸
weather resisting paper 防潮纸
web paper 卷筒印刷纸
web offset paper 卷筒胶版印刷纸
welding paper 焊接保护纸
wet soak paper 浸渍纸
wet type recording paper 湿式记录纸
wet strength paper 湿强纸张
wet waxed paper 润湿蜡纸
whatman('s) paper 高级图画纸
wheatstone paper 电报纸带
white manila paper 白纸板;白色马尼拉纸
willesden paper 防水纸
window drape paper 窗帘纸
window paster paper 窗户纸
window shade paper 窗帘纸
wiping (off) paper (油墨)擦拭纸
wire-wrap paper 绝缘薄纸,卷缠绝缘纸
wood chlp paper 木浆粗纤维纸
wood-containing paper 含磨木浆的纸张
wood-free paper 不含磨木浆的纸张
woodcut book paper 木刻画用纸
woody paper 含磨木浆的纸张
wool(en) paper 含羊毛纸
wove paper 横纹纸,布纹纸
wrapping paper 包装纸
writing paper 书写纸
westerm precipitation process (亚硫酸钠废液)硫化物循环回收法
wet combustion process (废液回收)湿燃烧法
wetox process 亚硫酸盐废液湿法处理法
weyerhaueser (sulfite) process weyerhaueser亚硫酸镁盐两段蒸煮
whole tree pulping 全树制浆法
waste paper pulp 废纸浆
wet pulp 湿抄浆
wood pulp 木浆
wood-ground pulp 白色磨木浆
waco filter saveall 双鼓回收机
watchmaker's tissue 钟表零件包装纸
waxed tissue 薄蜡纸
woody tissue 薄包装纸
woody tissue 含磨木浆薄纸
writing tissue 薄书写纸
waco filter waco白水回收机
wad 填絮;填充物
wad stock 弹壳纸用浆
wadding 医药卫生包装纸
wadding stock 炸药配料;医药卫生纸用浆
waferized chip 超薄木片
vainscotting 石棉壁纸板
walking board 走板;走台
wall board mqachine 壁板纸机
walnur (juglans) 胡桃属
walpole rotary screen watpole外流式圆筛
walpole outward flow screen wandle外流式圆筛
warehouse 仓库
waring blender waring混合器
warm water bath 温水浴;温水槽
warp 经线
warp oriented felt 无纬毛毯
warp threads 经线
warp wire 经线
warpage 翘曲
warren chain grinder warren链式磨木机
wart 木瘤
wash 洗涤
wash drum 洗鼓
wash liquor 洗液
wash out 冲洗
wash-out valve 清洗阀门
wash pan 洗涤槽
wash water 洗涤用水
wash water valve 排污阀
washboard marks (厚度不均导致)波状表面(纸病)
washer 洗涤机;洗涤器;洗浆机;垫圈
washerman 洗浆工,洗涤工
washing 洗涤
washing bath 洗涤槽
washing beater 洗漂(打浆)机
washing efficiency 洗涤效率
washing engine 洗浆机
washing hollander 荷兰式洗漂机
washing off 洗涤,洗去
washing-out 排污;污水
washing room 洗涤工段,洗浆工段
washing tank 洗涤槽
washing tower 洗涤塔
washing-up 洗涤
washing vessel 洗涤槽
washing water 洗涤用水
washouts 污水;排水
washups 污水;排水
waste 废料;废水
waste disposal 废料处理
waste gases 废气
waste heat boiler 废热锅炉
waste heat recovery 废热回收
waste line 废气管线;废水管线
waste liquor 废液
waste liquor recovery 废液回收
waste paper 废纸
waste paper dealer 废纸收购商
waste paper processing 废纸处理
waste paper stock 废纸浆
waste product 废品
waste recovery 废料回收;废气回收;废水回收
waste sheet 废纸页
waste soda lye 废碱液
waste steam 废汽
waste stuff 损纸浆
waste sulfite liquor 亚硫酸盐废液
waste treating equipment 废水处理装置
waste utilization 废料利用
waste valve 排污阀
waste water 废水
waste wood 废木材
waste wood chipper 废材削片机
water absorbent 吸水剂
water absorption 吸水(作用)
water absorption degree 吸水度
water analysis 水分析
water and fiber balance 浆水平衡
water bath 水浴
water bleeding 水褪色,水洇色
water box 吸水箱;水槽
water box doctor 水槽刮刀
water carriage 水运
water cleaning 水净化
water consujmption 耗水量
water cooled furnace wall 水冷壁
water cooled spring roll 水冷弹簧辊
water cooling 水冷(却)
water creped 润湿起皱
water dispersoid coating 水乳液涂布
water doctor 水刮刀
water drills 细条痕(纸病)
water extract 水抽提物
water extractives 水抽提物,水抽出物
water extractor 脱水机
water filter 滤水器,滤水池
water finish 润湿处理
water finishing 润湿装饰
water flow 水流
water flume (运送原木用)水槽
water ga(u)ge 水表
water hanner 水锤
water head tank 高位水槽
water impervious 防水性能
water jet 水注;喷水
water jet pump 喷水泵
water jet slitting 超高压水针切割(纸板)
water log 水腿
water level gage 水位表;液位表
water level indicator 水位指示仪
water lines 水印
water management 用水管理
water mark 水印,罗纹
water meter 水量计
water oak (quercus nigra l.) 水栎
water penetration test 水浸透测定
water permeability 水渗透性(能)
water pipe 清水管
water plant 供水车间
water pollution 水污染
water quality 水质
water reclamation 废水回收
water removal 脱水
water repellence 疏水性
water repellency 疏水性
water repellent 疏水
water repellent agent 疏水剂
water repellent compound 疏水化合物
water resistance 抗水性(能)
water resonance 水共振
water retention 保水
water retention rate 保水率
water retention value 保水值
water reuse 回用水
water ring 水环
water ring pump 水环式真空泵
water seal 水封
water separator 脱水器
water sereen 水帘;挡水板
water shed (网上)纸幅水线;分水界线
water shed offset 水线偏差
water silk finish 绢纹水印
water softening 水软化
water solubility 水溶性
water soluble 水溶(性)的
water spots 水滴斑点(纸病)
water storage 水上贮存;水上贮木
water streaks 水痕(纸病)
water stream 水流
water supply 供水
water supply plant 供水车间
water suspension 水悬浮液
water test 水压试验
water tight 水封
water transportation 水运
water transportation by booming 驳运
transportation by driving 浮运
water transportation by rafting 筏运,排运
water treatment 水处理
water tube boiler 水管锅炉
water turbine 水轮机
water valve 水阀
water vapor 水蒸汽
water vapor permeability 水蒸汽渗透性能
water vapor resistance 水蒸汽不渗透性能
water vapor transmission rate 水蒸汽传递速率
waterglass 水玻璃
waterglass mortar 水玻璃灰浆
waterleaf 薄页纸
watermark 水印,罗纹
watermark dandy 水印辊,罗纹辊
watermark laid dandy 水印辊,罗纹辊
watermark roll 水印辊,罗纹辊
watermark wove dandy 水印辊,罗纹辊
watermarking dandy 水印辊,罗纹辊
watermarking to register 精确水印
waterproof 防水
waterproof agent 防水剂
waterproof wall hangings 防水壁纸
waterproofing 防水
waterproofness 防水性能
watt meter 瓦特计,电表,功率表
watt (type) governor 电力调节器
wave train 波列
waviness 波状边缘
vavy 波纹的,波动的
wavy edge 波状边缘
wavy grain 波状纹理
wax 蜡
wax coating 涂蜡
wax emulsion 石蜡乳剂
wax pan 蜡槽
wax pick test 蜡粘试验
wax size 石蜡胶
wax spot 蜡斑(纸病)
wax rest 涂蜡试验
waxed glassine 涂蜡玻璃纸
waxed kraft 涂蜡牛皮纸
waxed pardchment 涂蜡羊皮纸
waxed tissue excelsior 涂蜡薄纸带
waxed toffee wrapper 涂蜡糖果纸
waxed wrapper 涂蜡包装纸
waxer 涂蜡机,上蜡机
waxing 涂蜡,上蜡
waxing machine 涂蜡机
weak acid 弱酸
weak acid tower 弱酸塔
weak liquor 稀液
weak white kiquor 稀白液
weak white liquor storage 稀白液槽
weak wash 稀洗涤液
wear 磨损,磨耗
wear teat 磨损试验
wearability 耐磨性
weather proof 抗风化
weather-proof plywood 耐风化胶合板
weather proofing 抗风化
weather resistance 耐风化
weatherability 风化性能
weathering 风化
weathering resistance test 耐风化试验
veave 编织
weaving 编织
web 纸幅
web break 断头