装饰玻璃 decorative glazing
夹层玻璃 laminated glass
特种玻璃 special function glass
镜子 mirrors
有机玻璃 plastic glazing
装玻璃用附件 glazing accessories
玻璃薄膜 glazing film
幕墙 glazed curtain walls
金属结构幕墙 metal framed curtain wall
半透明墙和屋顶组合件 translucent wall & roof assemblies
结构玻璃幕墙 structural glass curtain walls
轻质板材 light board
龙骨系统 matel support assemblies
非承重墙体龙骨 non-load-bearing wall framing
顶棚悬吊体系 ceiling suspension
成套内部骨架 interior framing assemblies
灰浆和石膏板 plaster & gypsum board
石膏板,骨架及附件 gypsum board, framing & accessories
面砖 tiles
瓷砖 ceramic tile
玻璃玛赛克 glass mosaics
装饰石材 terrazzo
预制水磨石制品 precast terrazzo
吊顶 ceiling
吸声吊顶 acoustical ceilings
金属吊顶 metal ceilings
轻质吊顶 light-transmitting ceilings
砖石地面 masonry flooring
木地面 wood flooring
弹性地面 resilient flooring
抗静电地面 static control flooring
地毯地面 carpet
地毯块 carpet tile
墙面装饰 wall finishes
墙面装饰面层 wall coverings
柔性木墙板 flexible wood sheets
隔(吸)音绝缘和嵌缝材料 acoustical insulation and sealants
油漆及涂料 paintings and coatings
涂料 paints
着色及透明面层 stains and transparent finishes
装饰面层 decorative finishes
高性能面层 high-performance coatings
阻燃面层 fire-retardant coatings
防化学腐蚀涂料 chemical resistant coatings
面层胶粘剂 finish adhesives
厕所隔断 10155-toilet compartments
通风和排气口 10200-louvers and vents
壁炉和火炉 fireplaces and stoves
指示装置 identifying devices
指示牌和公告板 10410-directories & bulletin boards
锁 lockers
锁和附件 10501-locker accessories & locks
遮阳(雨)篷 10536-awnings
隔断 partitioins
钢丝网隔墙 10605-wire mesh partitions
可拆卸隔墙 10615-demountable partitions
活动隔墙,屏网和隔板 10630-portable partitions, screens & panels
采光板 10730-daylighting panels
壁柜和衣橱专用制品 wardrobe and closet specialties
衣帽架及附件 10914-hat & coat racks & accessories
装饰织物 fabrics
工艺品 artwork
建筑古玩 architectural antiques
碧饰、壁画 murals
墙面装饰品 wall decorations
雕刻或雕塑/浮雕饰品 carved or cast sculpture/relief artwork
玻璃艺术制品 art glass
箱,柜及台架制品 manufactured casework
实验室台柜 laboratory casework
展示台柜 display casework
室内用品及附件 furniture accessories
遮阳板和窗帘 blinds, shades & shutters
帷幔和窗帘五金 drapery & curtain hardware
电动控制五金-用于百叶、帷幕及窗帘 motorized hardware-blinds,shades,draperies
家具 furniture
敞开式办公系统 open office systems
办公室家具 office furniture
座椅 seating
室外家具 outdoor furniture
住宅家具 residential furniture
固定家具 fixede furniture
座椅及桌子配件 seat and table accessories
特殊用途装饰品 special use/decorative furnishings
单元房屋 13020-building modules
特殊用途房间 13030-special purpose rooms
健身房 13032-athletic rooms
桑拿浴及设备 saunas & equipment
蒸气浴及设备 steam baths & equipment
整体浴室 13058-bathroom modules
整体厨房 13060-kitchen modules
预加工房屋 13121-pre-engineered buildings
活动房屋 13136-portable & mobile buildings
预制住宅结构 13144-prefabricated residential structures
预加工停车场结构 13148-pre-engineered parking structures
游泳池及设备 13152-swimming pools & equipment
液体和气体储罐 liquid and gas storage tanks
指示器、记录器及控制器 13440-indicators,recorders and controllers
太阳能系统 13602-solar energy systems
平板式太阳能收集器 solar flat plate collectors
保安通道和监视系统 security access & survillance