Chapter 5 Surprises at the studio(通用3篇)
Chapter 5 Surprises at the studio 第1篇
chapter 5 surprises at the studio
adverbial clauses of concession with although and though.
学习目标: 1,学会用although , though表达转折意思。
2,学会使用转折连词but, although, though. however,并能够辨别这4个词语。
3,尝试用although, though造句,作文。
情感目标: 1,正确看待自己,学会欣赏自己和他人的长处。
step 1 presentation
make sentences(造句): although, though
what can we learn from others?
step 2 consolidation
activity 1:: 归纳一下你所学过的表示“转折”的 连词:
activity 2: 判断正误 true or false
1.although she was nervous, but she kept getting the questions right.
2.though she is alone, yet she is not lonely. is raining, but they are still playing football there.
4.they went for a walk. it was hot, although.
5.though they are tired, but they are going on with their work.
6.he went to work. it was sunday, though.
7.we try hard to learn english, but it is not easy.
activity 3:中考再现 : 单项选择
1. the lady donated a lot of money ____ she is not rich.
a. if b. because c. though d. so
2. ---____ the soldiers are very tired, _____ they kept working.
---they are great. we must learn from them.
a. because; / b. though; / c. because; so d. though; but
3. ____ they arrived early at the airport, they nearly missed their
a. if b. because c. as soon as d. although
4. i feared that the film would be boring, _____ it turned out to be very exciting.
a. and b. but c. so d. or
activity 4:paraphrase改写句子
1,although angela was unprepared, she was terrific.
2,although miss liu works hard, she is a little impatient.(没有耐心)
3,we are not clever, but we are hard-working.
4,chen xiaoyin is good at running though she is not tall.
activity 5:combining sentences 合并句子:用though/although/but/however连接下列每小题的两个句子,使之成为让步状语从句。
1. it was late at night. she was studying.
2. she didn’t pass the exam. her parents didn’t say anything.
3. she lost the match. she didn’t lose heart.
4. the air conditioner is on. it is still very hot here.
5. fishing is boring work. i enjoy it.
step 3 summary: what have you learnt in this lesson?
2.当句中用though, although时,就不能再用______:
2.但是 though 和_____可连用
though it’s raining, _____they are still working.
3. though, although 的区别:前者可以做连词或副词(放在句
step 4 homework: write a poem to father/mother
, although you…,
, although you…,
you …
that is love.
although you …, you…, i think.
thank you for your love,
and i will love you forever.
i wish you ….
Chapter 5 Surprises at the studio 第2篇
chapter 5 surprises at the studio
the fifth period
< adverbial clauses of concession with although and though.>
teacher: liuxing
school: xinzi school
a---description of the material and students
the material is from chapter 5 language part ,oxford english 9 (shenzhen version). this lesson is about adverbial clauses of concession with although and though.the basic aims for students according to the teacher’s book is to learn to use connectives “although”and “though” to link contrasting ideas.
as to my understanding, reading ,listening ,speaking, writing are four integral parts in english learning. so in every lesson, i hope to train all the four skills of my students.this lession is no exception.
there are 25 students (12 girls, 13 boys) in my class, between the ages of 15-17. we have an english class every day. most of the students are lack of interest in english for their weak foundation in english.
they didn’t have a systematic floorplan in english, they are out of courage to move on and to win the upcoming entrance examination for senior high school.
therefore, in this lesson, i plan to emphasize more on the emotional education. i hope i can shed some light on them , telling them they are the best, everything is possible if you possess a winning heart.
1,knowledge objects:
1 )learn to use connectives “although”and “though” to link contrasting ideas.
2) learn to distinguish the usages among but, although, though, however. grasp the skill to solve the problems on the test paper.
2,ability objects:
1) make up sentences and short stories based on the grammar in this lesson.
2) use connectives to express transition of meaning.(although,though)
3) try to write out a composition with their own knowledge.
3,emotional objects:
1,learn to appreciate the good points on others and their own.
2,build up self-confidence and learn how to cooperate with others well.
3, learn to use the learned knowledge to express the meaning and do things: for example, write a poem on wishes for parents.
c---teaching analysis
1,key points:
to learn the adverbial clauses of concession with although and though.
to learn to make sentences with connectives to express transition of meaning.
to grasp the skill to do the multiple choices and paraphares on adverbial clauses of concession.
2,difficult points
to distinguish the usages among but, although, though, however.
to speak out and show their own opinion.
to express the meanings with their limited knowledge
d---teaching aids
multimedia equipment, one copy of paper sheet
e---- teaching & learning methods:
tbl(task-based learning) cl(cooperative learning)
f--- flow chart for teaching:
g--- teaching procedures and possible problems
step 1 lead-in
start the lesson with a sentence learned in reading part which contained the transition word “although” that we are going to learn :although angela was unprepared ,she was terrific.
ask one student to read the sentence and translate it.
then point to the word”although” ,and lead-in this lesson.
possible problem : the students may have difficulty in the pronunciation and intonation of the word “although”, so more emphasis should be on the pronunciation.
step 2 presentation
activities and class organization:
activity :what can we learn from others?
organization: 1, demonstrate the phrases and pictures of the students, require them to make sentences with given words.
2, pair-work:what can we learn from others?
3,emotional education
possible problem : some students may not understand the steps of the things they need to do.for the teacher, i should give the clear and brief instructions to help the students finish the task well.
step 3 consolidation
activities and class organization:
1,grammar explaination
2, exercises for consolidation.
1) activity one: true or false.
it is solo work. students are required to complete this part by themselves.
2)activity two: multiple choices occured in the paper of entrance examination for senior high school in the past years.
3)activity three:competition between boys and girls.
in this activity, boys vs girls to see who are the best.
there are two games. the first game is paraphase.
two boys and two girls will be asked to come to the blackboard and paraphase .
the second game is combining sentences.students are asked to combine two short sentences into a long one with the connectives given.
. possible problem:
students may be not so active in these activities.the job for the teacher is to cheer them up and encourage them with more patience.
another problem is the time-planning.i need to make sure every activity have plenty of time.
step 4 summary
students are encouraged to conclude what we have learnt in this lesson and then summarize this language points on the blackboard.
. possible problem:
they cannot sum-up the points in a systematic way. therefore, i prepare a form for them to fill the blanks.
step 5 homework
i will present a poem written by myself: a poem to father/ mother
first,i will read the poem for the students, the students listen to it and try to understand what i want to express for.
then they are encouraged to write a poem on their own to express their gratitude to their parents.
at last comes the second emotional education.
h. post-class work for the teacher
1.have the students grasped the required content?
2.are the teaching objectives attained?
3.what is my satisfaction? why?
4.what is not my satisfaction? what causes it?
Chapter 5 Surprises at the studio 第3篇
词汇与句型 n.东道主, 主人; 主办人[地方, 机构等]; (电视等的)节目主持人e.g. who will be the host for tonight's program? 谁是今晚的节目主持人?反义词:guest hostess n.女主人; 空中小姐性 (host 主人 + -ess女)e.g. air hostesses all smile when they serve the passengers. 空姐们为乘客服务时总是满脸笑容。2. calm adj.(水面)平静的, (天气)无风的; 镇定的, 沉着的; 宁静的, 心平气和的e.g. the sea is now calm.海现在平静了。vt. & vi. (使)平静; (使)镇定e.g. presently he calmed a little. 他很快就平静一些了。习惯用语:keep calm! 安静! 保持镇静! calm down 使平息, 使平静 e.g. she is terribly excited.we must try to calm her down. 她激动得厉害,我们必须想法使她平静下来。参考词汇 同义词: calm peaceful quiet still 都含 “平静的”意思。calm主要用于气候、海洋“ 风平浪静的”, 也可指人表示“安静的”、“镇静的”, e.g. the sky is blue, and the sea is calm.天空碧兰, 海上风平浪静。although she was frightened, she answered with a calm voice.虽然她害怕, 但还是用平静的声音回答。peaceful指“和平的”表示“ 没有骚扰和战争的”, e.g. a peaceful environment和平环境。quiet 指“ 没有吵闹声的”、“ 没有噪音的”,它强调“声音很低、很少” 或“全然无声”,e.g. he had a quiet life.他过着宁静的生活。still 指“没声音的”、“没动静的”, e.g. the still hours before dawn黎明前的寂静时刻。 3. surprise vt.使惊奇, 使诧异; 意外发现[撞见], 出其不意获得(sur- =super- 上面 + prise 抓,原义是从上面出其不意地抓住)e.g. he may surprise us all yet. 他总有一天会让我们大家惊奇。n. 惊奇, 惊讶; 令人吃惊的事物e.g. i'll never forget his surprise when we told him.我永远不会忘记我们告诉他时他所表现出来的惊讶表情。e.g.we've had some unpleasant surprises. 我们得到了一些令人不快的意外消息。参考词汇:surprise , amaze 作为动词在一起比较的一般含义是“使吃惊”。 surprise 是通用词,它的含义是使人一愣。这种吃惊可能包含着高兴也可能包含害怕或忧虑。e.g. i rang the bell and was not surprised to see that herbert was as fat as ever.我按响了门铃,毫不觉得奇怪地看到赫伯特仍然和以往一样胖。 amaze 所表示的吃惊中包含着使人迷惑不解、困窘或惊疑不定。 e.g. he amazed me by his audacity. 他的无礼使我惊骇。 he stood in amaze at the sight. 他看到那种景象, 惊愕得呆呆地站在那里。 习惯用语:in surprise 惊奇地 to one's great surprise 使某人非常惊奇的是 surprise by 以…使(某人)惊奇e.g. we looked at the man in silent surprise. 我们不作声惊讶地看着那个人。 to my surprise, the task was finished in only one week. 这任务竟然在一周内就完成了。 i surprised everyone by wearing a terrible mask.我带了一副可怕的面具, 使大家受惊了。be amazed at (by) 对...大为惊奇 be amazed to see 看到[听到, 发现]...感到吃惊be amazed to hear 看到[听到, 发现]...感到吃惊 be amazed to find 看到[听到, 发现]...感到吃惊e.g. they were amazed at the soaring drive of our oil workers.他们对我国石油工人的冲天干劲感到惊奇。4. recording n.(音像的)录制; 录音; 唱片; 录了音的磁带 e.g. do you remember how to operate this recording machine? 你记得怎样使用这个录音机吗? record vt. & vi. 记录; 录音, 拍摄 n.记录, 记载e.g. his voice does not record well. 他的声音录下来不好听。 he broke a record in running. 他打破了一项赛跑的纪录。 扩充用法recordbreaker n.打破记录的人 record-breaking adj.打破记录的record-holder n.保持最高记录者; 记录保持者 record-player n.(电)唱机习惯用语:break the [a] record 打破记录 hold record 保持记录 set (up) a new record 创新纪录5. nervous adj. 神经紧张的; 神经过敏的 e.g. she felt very nervous with so many people looking at her. 这么多人瞧着她, 她感到非常紧张。 习惯用语:feel nervous about 不寒而栗, 担心, 害怕参考词汇:nervous , excited 这两个词并非同义词,nervous指精神紧张,如不善于在众人面前讲话的人所表现的精神紧张。而excited是指感情方面激动或精神兴奋e.g. he was obviously very nervous. 显然他很紧张。don't be nervous, old chap!别神经质啦,老伙计!he became very excited when he heard that he came out first in the competition.当听到自己在竞赛中得了第一名时,他非常激动。6. faint vi.晕倒, 昏倒 n.昏倒e.g. the young soldier fainted in the hot sun. 那个年轻的士兵在炎炎烈日下晕了过去。he recovered from a faint. 他从昏厥中苏醒过来。 习惯用语:fall into a dead faint 昏倒, 不省人事=fall in a dead faint 昏倒, 不省人事 6. raise vt.提起; 举起; 竖起; 抚养; 饲养; 增加; 提升e.g. when he saw the principal, he raised his hand in salutation. 他看到校长时举手敬礼。 the old man likes raising rabbits, chickens, dogs and horses.这个老人喜欢养兔子、鸡、狗和马。 they raised their output by more than half in less than three years.不到三年, 他们把产量提高了一半还多。同义词:lift lift 强调“提升很重的或者抬起比较重的东西”,当用于比喻时,可以指雄伟高大的建筑物或大山的“高耸入云”. raise 在用于“提升”的意义时,可包含费力也可能不包含费力,但总带有“垂直”提升的意思;elevate 一般具有lift和raise的含义,但elevate 常用于抽象概念的提高,如“提高文学鉴赏力”,“提高情操”等, rise常用于起立起床以及自然的上升等。e.g. this window will not lift. 这个窗户推不上去。 rise from table (餐毕)起立离桌7. clap vt. & vi.拍手, 鼓掌 n.鼓掌; 掌声e.g. the people liked the singer and gave him a clap. 大家都喜欢那位歌手,为他鼓掌。clap one's hands v.拍手8. prepare vt.准备 e.g. we must prepare a room for our guest. 我们必须为客人准备一间房。 习惯用语:be prepared for [to do] 准备着 prepare against 准备应付(不好的事情) prepare for 为...作准备e.g. we are not prepare to send the goods. 我们不准备发送此货。同义词:ready vt.使准备好; 预备 adj.[用作表语] 准备好的e.g. get the children ready for school. 让孩子为上学做好准备。 the two sides are readying themselves for negotiations.双方正在为谈判作好准备。 are you ready now? 你准备好了么?反义词:unprepared adj. 无准备的,即席的,尚未准备好的be unprepared for 对……无准备的 e.g. students from tropical countries are often unprepared for the british climate. 热带国家的学生往往对英国的气候毫无准备。prepared adj. 事先准备好的e.g. we must be prepared for twists and turns. 我们要准备好经受曲折。 you ought to be prepared for some unpleasantness. 你要做好思想准备,可能发生一些不愉快的情况。习惯用语:get ready 使...准备好 make ready 作好准备 ready for (sth.) /ready to do准备做(某事)9. make-up n.化妆(品), 化妆用品; 组成, 性格e.g. she never wears make-up.她从不用化妆品。he studies the make-up of chinese character.他研究汉字的构造。10. opposite prep.(表示位置)在…的对面; 在旁边, 接着; 与…在一排. adj.对面的, 相反的, 对立的 e.g. the post office is opposite (to) the station. 邮局在车站的对面。i think the picture would look better on the opposite wall.我认为这张画挂在对面的墙上会好看些。 近义词:against prep.(表示方向)与…方向相反, 逆着, 迎着, 顶着; (表示方位)紧靠着…, 倚靠着… (表示态度)反对, 反抗e.g. you should fly your kite against the wind. 你应该迎着风放风筝。the seats have no back against which to lean. 这些座位都没有靠背可倚。he fought against the disease for a long time. 他同疾病做了长时间的斗争。 同义词:in opposition to 反对 in opposition to sb. on a question在一个问题上与某人意见相反11. lobby n. 前厅, 厅堂e.g. mary is in the lobby of asian hotel. 玛丽现在在亚洲旅馆大厅。 同义词:entrance n.入口, 大门口 hall n. 门厅, 礼堂, 会堂; 大厅, 走廊e.g. the hall was crowded to the door.门厅里挤满了人, 直挤到门口。the car waited at the front entrance. 汽车在前门口等候。12. goat n.山羊e.g. we keep a few fowls and some goats.我们养了几只鸡和一些山羊。同义词:sheep n.羊, 绵羊习惯用语a black sheep 害群之马; 拒绝参加罢工的工人a lost sheep 迷途羔羊, 迷失正道的人13. ahead of 在…之前 adv.在前; 提前, 向前, 今后e.g. she left one day ahead of him. 她是在他离开的前一天离开的。 his eyes stared straight ahead.他的眼睛直盯着前方。 ahead of time 提前 同义词:in advance 在前头, 预先, 事先 in advance of 在...前面; 比...进步; 超过in front 在前面, 在前方e.g. you can check in two hours in advance. 你可以提前两个小时检查登记。 galileo's ideas were in advance of the age in which he lived. 伽利略的思想超越了他生活的时代。the old woman walked slowly, and the children ran on in front.那位老妇人慢慢地走, 小孩子们跑在前面。14. take steps 采取措施e.g. they took steps to prevent the spread of influenza. 他们采取措施阻止流感的传播。 step n.脚步, 步, 楼梯, 台阶, 步骤, 措施, step by step 一步步地, 逐步地, 循序渐进地 e.g. he learnt the rules of the game step by step.他逐步学会了游戏的规则。 gradually adv. 逐渐地 e.g. i took an aspirin and the pain gradually subsided. 我服用了阿斯匹林,疼痛逐渐减轻。 bit by bit 一点儿一点儿地, 逐渐地e.g. as the mist cleared, the house came into sight bit by bit. 随着雾散天晴, 房舍逐渐呈现在眼前。15. in the public place 在公共地方 in public公开地, 当众16. be pleased with 对…喜欢,满意于 = be not angry at 对…发怒 e.g. i am quite pleased with your success, your mother will be more pleased. 我对你的成功感到非常高兴,你的母亲会更高兴。my parents tend to be very angry at the smallest things. 我的父母很容易因为一些芝麻小事而生气。 be pleased to do sth. 高兴/乐于做某事 e.g. we are pleased to do this. 我们很高兴做这个。17. as a result 结果, 因此 a result, he had to leave. 结果他只得离开。18. except prep.除…外(不包含被除掉的)e.g.everybody except me looks down upon him. 除了我以外人们都瞧不起他。习惯用语:except for 除...之外, 只是(被除去的与整体不属于同一类事物) except that 除了, 只是(后接句子)e.g. now the wood was silent except for the leave. 树林里一片寂静,只有树叶发出的响声。 your essay is good except for some spelling mistakes. 你的文章很好只是有一些拼写错误。 he said nothing except that he is all right. 他除了说他以外,别的什么也没说。同义词:except与besides意义不同。 “we all agreed except him.”表示“我们都同意, 只有他不同意。”“we all agreed besides him.”表示“我们都同意, 他也同意。”19. used to 过去经常 (used to do 强调整过去习惯性的行为或状态,但是现在没有这种行为或状态了。因此,这个短语的内涵是今昔对比。)e.g. we used to grow vegetables.我们过去是种蔬菜的。be used to v. 过去习惯于e.g. asia is no longer what it used to be. 现在的亚洲不再是过去的样子了。be used to doing 习惯于做某事e.g. that is because women can continue to do something they are used to doing. 那是因为妇女能继续做她们所一直习惯做的事情。20. put sb into prison 把某人关进监狱 = be sent to jail21. two and a half hours 两个半小时 one and a half hours / an hour and a half 一个半小时22. decide on / upon就…做出决定, 决定要 e.g. we felt that we must decide on something. 我们感到必须做出某种决定。22. what type / kind / sort of … what do you think of…= what would you like … let’s make a list of… can you give us an example of …. i think that … i like / don’t like …yes, i agree. no, i prefer … if possible, …